Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science

Universitas Diponegoro

The Excellent Research University

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On this campus, you will find a dynamic atmosphere of visionary collaborators, all driven by a shared passion for learning and a desire to make a positive impact on society. As you begin this exciting chapter in your life, we encourage you to take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way, push boundaries, and never stop learning. Welcome to the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, where dreams are nurtured and futures are forged. Jalesveva Jayamahe!

Prof. Ir. Tri Winarni Agustini, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Dean of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Faculty | Universitas Diponegoro


Diponegoro University is 1 of 10 universities among 4,700 tertiary institutions in Indonesia that are included in the World Class University Ranks. For this reason, Undip continues to improve the quality of class education supported by competent and professional teachers.





Undip Research and Community Service

Uncover the mysteries of nature and technology in vivid experiments. With books and journals and loyal companions in hand, Campus is a place where research comes to life.

Community service is always the application of knowledge for the good of society. Teaching, sharing and inspiring, the University is a sacred place of service.

FPIK Undip Collaborates On Joint Research With BRIN

FPIK, SEMARANG – Monday (22/7) the Dean of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Diponegoro University (FPIK Undip) Prof. Ir. Tri Winarni Agustini, M.Sc., Ph.D. has signed a Cooperation...

GEMARIKAN “Gerakan Gemar Makan Ikan” as an Improvement of Nutritional Needs

Kalirejo, Pekalongan (21/07/2023) - Indonesia has the highest fish production in ASEAN. Unfortunately, this is not shown by the level of fish consumption, especially among children. In 2004, the...

Let’s Care for Waste from an Early Age to Protect Aquatic Ecosystems

Kalirejo, Pekalongan (21/07/2023) - Waste is a material that is wasted or can no longer be utilized. The waste comes from daily human activities or from natural processes. Waste problems must be...

Practical Training Innovation in Fish Cultivation in Buckets by the Undip KKN II Team in Kutorejo Village

FPIK, SEMARANG - Fish farming has become the main choice in the fisheries sector, but the challenges of increasingly limited land and water resources often become an obstacle. Etc. Kutorejo,...

DKPP Wonogiri Collaborates with FPIK Undip in Fisheries Management

FPIK. Prof. Tri and Ir. Sutardi, Head of the Department of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries and Animal Husbandry of the Wonogiri Regency, signed the MoU on the collaboration "Fisheries Management with...

Check out the FPIK Undip information here.


Mendikbudristek Unggulan Scholarship 2022
World Class Professor | Workshop #3 Microplastic Research
Online Seminar | Maintaining Sustainable Inland Fisheries in Watershed Development
General Lecture | Alumni Teaching: Strengthening Alumni Networks to Face the Challenges of the World of Work
General Lecture | The Treasure of Seaweed
Webinar | Becoming a Fisheries Young Entrepreneur Series 4: An Exciting Catfish Hatchery Business Opportunity
Webinar of Capture Fisheries Dept. | Synergy of Maritime Tourism and Fisheries Capture Small Islands
World Class Professor 2021 | Workshop #1: Writing and Publishing Strategies in International Journals
World Class University 2021 | Visiting Lecture #3: Sustainability and Insights for Seafood Chains
World Class University 2021 | Visiting Lecture #2: Seafood Authenticity and Integrity
World Class University 2021 | Visiting Lecture: Seafood Quality and Assessment
Online Seminar | Efforts to Protect and Manage Protected Marine Biota
World Class Professor 2021 | Guest Lecture | Managing Plastic and Microplastic Waste in Coastal Areas in an Integrated Situation
World Class Professor 2021 | Online Seminar: Management of Parasitic Diseases in Australian Mariculture
International Guest Lecture | Marine Biodiversity Series 7 | “Climate Change as The Threat to The Corals”
Webinar | Becoming a Young Fisheries Entrepreneur Series 3: Feed Management and Tips to Be a Successful Catfish Farmer
Webinar | The Effect of Climate Change on Export Potential of Fishery Commodities
World Class Professor 2021 | Guest Lecture | Integrated Pollution Management in Coastal Areas
Online Seminar | Marine Biodiversity Protection: Linking Knowledge to Action
World Class Professor 2021 | Guest Lecture | Marine Invertebrates Series 2
Webinar | Becoming a Young Fisheries Entrepreneur Series 2: Feed Management and Hygienic Catfish Production in a Pandemic
We are Opening Marlin Squad Accelerating Program 2021!
International Guest Lecture | Marine Biodiversity Series 4 | “Marine Phycology: The Hidden Diversity of Photosynthetic Organisms”
Webinar | Becoming a Young Fisheries Entrepreneur Series 1: Business Potential and Appropriate Technology in Catfish Cultivation in a Pandemic Period
International Guest Lecture | Marine Biodiversity Series 3 | “The Coral Holobiont: Pathogens VS Probiotics”
International Guest Lecture | Marine Biodiversity Series | “What Can Molecular Biology Do For Marine Research”
Online Seminar | LIPI’s Role in Disaster Risk Assessment for Coastal Disaster Management
International Guest Lecture | Marine Biodiversity Series #1 | “Recent Advances In Taxonomy and Ecology of Marine Fungi”
International Seminar | Risk Assessment and Hazard Impact of Face Mask and Medical Waste Disposal During The Covid-19 Pandemic Toward Water Pollution
Announcement | Mendikbudristek Scholarship
International Guest Lecture | Marine Biotechnology Series | “Discovery of New Antibiotic from Microorganisms Inhabited in Special Environment by Dereplication Strategy”
Call for Participants: ITroSCo Online Pre-camp 2021!
International Seminar | Latest Technology Trends in Fish Processing: Application of Processed Fishery Products
Public Lecture | Efficiency Strategy for Making Artificial Feed to Increase Cultivation Productivity
The Independent Learning Consortium (KMB) UNDIP, UNPAD and UNHAS
Online Class COMED 2020 | Application of Numerical Models in Marine Pollution Studies
Tracer Study of Universitas Diponegoro
Sharing Session | Success Tips for Undergraduate, Postgraduate & Doctoral Studies as Researchers and Professional HR
General Lecture | Cultivation Technology and Business Prospects of Ornamental Seawater Fish and Vaname Shrimp on Household to Industrial Scale
General Lecture | Law Enforcement of Conservation of Resources and Ecosystems for the Improvement of Biodiversity and the Welfare of Coastal Communities
Towards New Global by Improving Research Capacity on Molecular Biotechnology through World Class Professor Program
Online Seminar | The Secret of Algae: Multi – Functional Ingredient for a Healthy Life
General Lecture | The Role of Institutions and Communities in Strengthening Conservation-Based Socio-Economic and Cultural Resilience in Coastal Areas
General Lecture | Diversity and Dynamics of Symbiotic Assemblages in Coral Holobiont
General Lecture | Fish Gelatin Nanoparticles: Production and Application
Online Seminar | Adaptive Management Collaboration in Conservation Areas
General Lecture | The Art of Writing and Publishing a Scientific Paper
World Class Professor Webinar | National Institute of Technology, Wakayama College, Japan
Join The Student Business Unit of FPIK UNDIP 2020!
Student Creativity Program (PKM) FPIK 2020!
Public Lecture | Winning International Scholarship and Funding
Public Lecture | How to Write International Grant Proposal and Reputable Publication
Public Lecture | Microbial Communities of Subterranean Estuaries and Their Impact to Coastal Ecology
Online Seminar | How to Write an Interesting and Best-selling Textbook
Online Seminar | Branding and Marketing of Micro and Small Scale Business: A Case in the Aquaculture and Fisheries Industry
Department of Fisheries Product Technology Held Public Lecture of “World Class University” Program
The 6th International Conference on Tropical and Coastal Region Eco-Development
Get ready for ITroSCo 2020!


Research & Dedication

FPIK Undip Collaborates On Joint Research With BRIN

FPIK, SEMARANG – Monday (22/7) the Dean of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Diponegoro University (FPIK Undip) Prof. Ir. Tri Winarni Agustini, M.Sc., Ph.D. has signed a Cooperation...

GEMARIKAN “Gerakan Gemar Makan Ikan” as an Improvement of Nutritional Needs

Kalirejo, Pekalongan (21/07/2023) - Indonesia has the highest fish production in ASEAN. Unfortunately, this is not shown by the level of fish consumption, especially among children. In 2004, the...

Let’s Care for Waste from an Early Age to Protect Aquatic Ecosystems

Kalirejo, Pekalongan (21/07/2023) - Waste is a material that is wasted or can no longer be utilized. The waste comes from daily human activities or from natural processes. Waste problems must be...

Practical Training Innovation in Fish Cultivation in Buckets by the Undip KKN II Team in Kutorejo Village

FPIK, SEMARANG - Fish farming has become the main choice in the fisheries sector, but the challenges of increasingly limited land and water resources often become an obstacle. Etc. Kutorejo,...

DKPP Wonogiri Collaborates with FPIK Undip in Fisheries Management

FPIK. Prof. Tri and Ir. Sutardi, Head of the Department of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries and Animal Husbandry of the Wonogiri Regency, signed the MoU on the collaboration "Fisheries Management with...


Marlin Space: FPIK’s Latest Hotspot

FPIK, SEMARANG - The Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FPIK) Diponegoro University now has a new facility with a modern and fresh concept, namely Marlin Space. Marlin Space is the result of a...

FPIK Team Successfully Sweeps Multiple Achievements at The FAPERTA Fair 5

FPIK, SEMARANG - Five students of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FPIK) and one student of the Vocational School of Diponegoro University managed to win several categories at the...

Capture Fisheries Study Program of FPIK Undip Achieves “Excellent” Accreditation

One of the study programs of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Diponegoro University, namely the Capture Fisheries study program, has achieved a new achievement. Based on the Decree of...

Cooperation Agreement between FPIK Undip and BBPI Semarang

FPIK, SEMARANG - On Wednesday (21/2), the Dean of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Diponegoro University (FPIK Undip) Prof. Ir. Tri Winarni Agustini, M.Sc., Ph.D accompanied by the Vice...

[Undip, UGM, IPB and ITB Meeting with Pukyong National University (PKNU) – South Korea]

Jakarta, January 18, 2024 Representatives from the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Diponegoro University, Dr. Aninditia Sabdaningsih, S.Si, M.Si as the Head of the Master and Doctoral Study...


Check out the latest content about our academic and non-academic activities. Always upholding the Tri Dharma of Higher Education with Diponegoro University.


Determine your study program, achieve your future with us. FPIK Undip offers various educational programs ranging from undergraduate to doctoral.





Check our annual sustainability report at Undip’s SDGs Center.

Alumni Testimonials  :

Rheza Mahardika Wahid, S.Pi., M.Sc

Owner PT. Mahardika Sukses Sejahtera

“Scientific studies, the adaptation process and all the complexities that I went through in the MSP study program of the Department of Aquatic Resources, FPIK UNDIP gave me a high level of confidence to be able to master new things. And this is my biggest asset to achieve my life goals. Thank you FPIK UNDIP. Spirit Forward!”

Benaya M. Simeon, S.Pi., M.Si

Shark and Ray Senior Officer WCS – IP & IUCN SSC Shark Specialist Group

“Studying at the Capture Fisheries Study Program FPIK UNDIP made me know about the real conditions of capture fisheries in Indonesia, both traditional, semi-industrial and industrial fisheries. Java is the barometer of Indonesian fisheries. With the support of lecturers and family of alumni, I have had many opportunities to study and work both at the national and international levels”

Robbi Maulana Rosadi

Quality Control Manager, PT Philips Seafood Indonesia

“A lot of my knowledge and experience while studying at Fishery Products Technology UNDIP has supported my career. The knowledge that I get is very in line with my current job. Considering the potential for fisheries in Indonesia is still very wide and product innovation is needed to develop it”

Gesang Setyadi

PT Freeport Indonesia

“At PT Freeport Indonesia, there are 4 alumni from Marine Sciences UNDIP who work in the Department of Environment, including me. This shows that alumni from UNDIP Marine Sciences can be well received in multinational companies”

Hardian Sy. Prayitno

Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan Provinsi Lampung

“I got many benefits from Fishery Products Technology UNDIP, including that I immediately became a Fishery Product Quality Instructor in Lampung Province because I have a HACCP certificate. In addition, I also have a Vaname Shrimp pond business. my career and business”

Panca Dias Purnomo

PT. Central Proteina Prima, Tbk Indonesia

“I work at PT. Central Proteina Prima, Tbk (CP. Prima), one of the largest companies in the Fisheries industry, as Head of the Division in Human Resources. Excellent quality of lecturers, complete learning and practice facilities, wide collaboration, and quality The character & knowledge of the students who are qualified make UNDIP Aquaculture alumni one of the most sought after aquaculture alumni by fishing companies in Indonesia”

Birowo Cahyo Baskoro

BRI Branch Manager

“Studying for 3 years and 9 months gave me a lot of knowledge even though my field of work was different from my knowledge when I was in college, but the provision of soft skills during college, practical work in the field and organization while studying at the Capture Fisheries Study Program FPIK UNDIP made me easy to adapt to any environment. Bravo UNDIP Capture Fisheries Study Program!”

Ardiansah Ahmad Palani

Sales Area Manager for Kalimantan region – PT Sinta Prima Feedmill

“I was the first graduate from the UNDIP Fisheries Product Technology Study Program in 2006. The knowledge and experience I gained during college were really very helpful in my work. I am determined that the knowledge that I have gained so far, I will give it to fishery actors, especially fish farmers, for the sake of advanced Indonesian fisheries and can overcome all fishery problems in Indonesia”

Lativa Lisya Maghfira, S.Pi, M.Sc

Partnership Executive – eFishery

“Lecture on Fishery Products Technology Study Program (class of 2011) made me want to learn more about food and fisheries technology. Also, there are many activities and opportunities that you can participate in while you are a student. Thanks to this provision and support, I was able to get a master’s scholarship at the University of Debrecen, Hungary and pursue a career in fisheries”

Haris Muhtadi

Marketing Director for Aquafeeds International Company

“The experience while on campus is relevant to my current job. I have to convince clients from different cultures and nationalities that my idea is worth buying”

Prof. Dr. Esti Handayani Hardi, S.Pi., M.Si

Professor of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Mulawarman University, East Kalimantan

“As an Alumni of the FPIK UNDIP Aquaculture Study Program, I not only learned about the basics of fishery science, but also learned about the attitude of independence, mental warrior, attitude intelligence and humility, which are the basic attitudes of success in society. So don’t be surprised if you graduate from the Aquaculture Study Program UNDIP is always ready to work anywhere and anytime”

Dwi Ariyogagautama

Bycatch and Sharks Conservation Coordinator, WWF Indonesia

“Don’t just be satisfied with grades on campus, multiply activities off campus by joining organizations and make yourself what companies are looking for, not you guys looking for companies”

Herda Bolly

The Friesland Campina Innovation Centre in Wageningen, the Netherlands

“When I was at UNDIP Fishery Products Technology, I not only studied fishery product processing, but also food science and technology in general. Now it is my provision to continue my master’s degree at Wageningen University, the Netherlands. It even led me to a career in food companies in the Netherlands and trusted to be the Development Manager at the Friesland Campina Company which focuses on research and product innovation”

Nestin Evrina W N

Relationship Manager Bank Mandiri

“In the banking world, there are many alumni of the UNDIP Aquaculture Study Program from various generations who work in state-owned and private banking, as well as regional banks. This shows that the competitiveness of Aquaculture Study Program graduates is very competitive in the world of work”

Medha P. Agung W, S.Pi

Fisheries Entrepreneur

“The experience while studying at the UNDIP Capture Fisheries Study Program really helped me in developing a fishery business. The knowledge studied included fish behavior, fish development and potential, fishing gear used, fish processing technology to marketing results. Knowledge from upstream to downstream already exists, it remains only to be applied by students to achieve their respective goals.”