Bravo! Rezza Octavia (FPIK Student) Again Achieves International Achievements in the 5th Islamic Solidarity Games

Bravo! Rezza Octavia (FPIK Student) Again Achieves International Achievements in the 5th Islamic Solidarity Games

FPIK Undip students made another achievement. Rezza Octavia, a 2018 student from the Marine Sciences Study Program, FPIK Undip, won the International 5th Islamic Solidarity Games Archery, Ministery of Youth and Sports in Turkey. This FPIK student was able to compete with athletes from other countries to get 1 gold medal, 1 silver medal, and 1 bronze medal in Archery.  Not only the International 5th Islamic Solidarity Games Archery,

Rezza actively participates in several other archery competitions such as the Antalya 2022 Hyundai Archery World Cup, Archery World Cup Paris Stage 2, SEA Games 2021 Archery in Vietnam, won 2 gold medals, and the ASEAN University Games 1 gold medal and 1 bronze medal. Rezza’s achievements are inseparable from his hard work and support from the people around him.

Four Marine Science Lecturers who are included in the World Top 100 Agriculture and Forestry Scientist 2022!

Four Marine Science Lecturers who are included in the World Top 100 Agriculture and Forestry Scientist 2022!

The Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FFMS)
Diponegoro University wishes Congratulations and Success to the four Marine Science Lecturers who are awarded as the World Top 100 Agriculture and Forestry Scientist 2022!
Prof. Ocky Karna Radjasa, M.Sc., Ph.D in 28th place
Prof. Dr. Agus Sabdono, M.Sc in 35th place
Prof. Dr. Ambariyanto , M.Sc in 39th place
Dr. Ir. Ita Widowati, DEA in 79th place

The entire UNDIP academic community congratulates and succeeds!
This achievement proves that FFMS UNDIP is actively contributing to science for sustainable fisheries and marine resources.

Two Great Alumni of FPIK UNDIP Teach How to Face Job Challenges

Two Great Alumni of FPIK UNDIP Teach How to Face Job Challenges

FPIK, SEMARANG – The Department of Fishery Products Technology (THP) of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Diponegoro University (FPIK UNDIP) invited two great alumni to come to the Diponegoro campus online in order to teach and share experiences with juniors. In the Alumni Teaching session with the theme “Strengthening Alumni Networks to Face Work Challenges”, the professional alumni referred to are Arlies Meta Nugraha, S.Pi, M.M. who is currently the Head of Account Management at Kalbe E-Health; and Ardhiansyah Rohman Palani, S.Pi who served as Sales Manager of PT Sinta Prima Feedmil.

The discussion by Arlies Meta Nugraha entitled “Challenges and Opportunities for Alumni Towards the World of Work”. He stated that even though he had a career in a field that was not the same as his studies, he considered this to be a challenge for students to face in the future. Arlies who is the second year batch of the THP FPIK UNDIP Study Program said that by entering the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, the opportunity to create a job market is increasingly wide open and does not demand only one discipline. He has proven that fishery graduates can occupy quite prestigious positions in the pharmaceutical company. “Therefore, opportunities will always be wide open on the condition that students are able to take advantage of these opportunities,” said Arlies.

According to Arlies, since 2019 the data on the number of university graduates is 1.3 million people, 18.7 percent or 244,000 are graduates of education science study programs. Of the total number of graduates, there are 1.2 million graduates from August 2019 to August 2020, of which 60 percent are not working or have no business, while 32.9 percent are trying to find work. This data, when compared with the trend of job availability according to the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), in February 2019 was still dominated by three sectors, namely the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Sector (29.46 percent); Trade Sector (18.92 percent); and Manufacturing Industry Sector (14.09 percent). “Being a student today is required to continue to develop themselves to be more creative and innovative and to build as many networks as possible, especially with alumni. So that when they graduate, they already have adaptive human resources and are ready to compete in this autonomous and disruptive era,” he explained.

Meanwhile, Ardhiansyah Rohman Palani, one of the alumni who was invited to this activity, confirmed Arlies’ statement. Carrying the material entitled “Strengthening Alumni Networks Towards Superior Human Resources”, Ardhiansyah Rohman Palani reminded Human Resources (HR), to be one of the main sources in carrying out every activity in small organizations or large organizations. Organizations will demand their human resources to always be productive, innovative, and creative so that this organization can continue to survive and develop. “There are five characteristics of quality human resources, including being tenacious, diligent, innovative, honest and dedicated,” said Ardhiansyah.

With superior human resources, said Ardhiansyah, it will help Indonesia’s role in realizing a better life. On the other hand, the development of technology is also increasingly demanding that we continue to be innovative and creative. “Therefore, UNDIP graduates must be tenacious, diligent, innovative, honest and highly dedicated in order to become a superior resource in an era that is widely identified as VUCA or short for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity.”

The Dean of FPIK UNDIP, Prof. Ir. Tri Winarni Agustini, M.Sc, P.hD, when contacted on Thursday (18/11/2021) positively welcomed the Teaching Alumni activities. According to Prof. Tri Winarni, this activity involving alumni is the second series after the previous year, an activity involving alumni of the Department of Fishery Products Technology was held. “Seeing the enthusiasm of the participants, I think this activity can increase the students’ optimism in facing the challenges of the world of work. So I hope that this activity can be a forum for alumni to motivate younger siblings in improving their welfare, especially in opening job opportunities,” he hoped.

The teaching Alumni event which was held on the second weekend of November 2021 was attended by 195 participants consisting of lecturers and undergraduate students from the Fisheries Product Technology Study Program and study programs at FPIK UNDIP and held online. (Source: | Tim Humas UNDIP)

Diponegoro University Ranks 8th in the 34th National Student Scientific Week

Diponegoro University Ranks 8th in the 34th National Student Scientific Week

​FPIK, SEMARANG – A series of activities at the 34th National Student Scientific Week (PIMNAS) in 2021 which was held from October 25 to October 29, 2021 by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) has reached its peak. The closing ceremony of the 34th PIMNAS was held offline at the University of North Sumatra (USU) and also online through the USU Youtube channel, Friday (29/10) night. A total of 37 PKM contingents from Universitas Diponegoro (UNDIP) managed to place UNDIP in the top 10, to be precise, they were ranked 8th nationally, up three places from the previous year.

Vice Chancellor I for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Budi Setiyono, S.Sos., M.Pol.Admin., Ph.D., expressed his pride and gratitude for the struggles that have been given to the 34th PIMNAS activity. “I, as Vice Chancellor 1 for Academic and Student Affairs, would like to thank you for all the struggles that you have done. Keep the spirit of the Young Diponegoro, “said Prof. Budi. In addition, Prof. Budi said that the University would appreciate all the contingents who qualified for the 34th PIMNAS final. “So we still appreciate your struggle, as participants who pass PIMNAS, the University provides academic and non-academic rewards,” he explained.

“Congratulations to those who got medals, your struggle was extraordinary, hopefully it will be a useful historical nick for you. And I congratulate those of you who haven’t gotten a medal, there is still a chance for PIMNAS next year,” added Prof. Budi.

Photo: Universitas Diponegoro is ranked 8th in the 34th PIMNAS event. (Source: National Achievement Center YouTube)

In the annual national-scale scientific event, the Undip PKM contingent managed to win 10 medals. With details of the medals for the presentation category as many as 6 medals consisting of 1 gold, 1 silver, and 4 bronze. While the 4 medals for the poster category were divided into 3 gold and 1 bronze.

The following is a list of medal winners achieved by the Undip PKM contingent in the 34th PIMNAS:

1.Emas Presentasi (PKMRE-6)

Judul: Pemanfaatan Sereh Dapur (Cymbopogon citratus) dalam Enkapsulasi Bersalut Alginat Kitosan sebagai Sumber Kebutuhan Antioksidan.

Ketua Tim: Sadam Arrois.

2.Emas Poster (PKMRE-6)

Judul: Pemanfaatan Sereh Dapur (Cymbopogon citratus) dalam Enkapsulasi Bersalut Alginat Kitosan sebagai Sumber Kebutuhan Antioksidan.

Ketua Tim: Sadam Arrois.

3.Emas Poster (PKMRE-10)

Judul: Pelapis Superhidrofobik-Superoleofilik Berbahan Silika dengan Hexamethyldisilazane dan Methyltrimetoxysilane sebagai Pemisah Tumpahan Minyak di Laut.

Ketua Tim: Jesica Rahmaningrum.

4.Emas Poster (PKMRE-4)

Judul: Bio-Scrubber Berbahan Bacterial Cellulose Terimpregnasi Antibakteri Flavonoid dari Daun Kelor sebagai Solusi Substitusi Mikroplastik.

Ketua Tim: Afriza Ni’Matus Sa’Adah.

5.Perak Presentasi (PKMK-6)

Judul: Inovasi Gel Aromaterapi Antikantuk dari Limbah Minyak Jelantah dan Ekstrak Serai Wangi dengan Metode Adsorbsi untuk Mendukung Belajar Online.

Ketua Tim: Sulhan Efendi.

6.Perunggu Presentasi (PKMK-1)

Judul: Inovasi Produk Ekstrak Daun Ketapang untuk Penstabil pH Air Pencegahan Penyakit Busung Ikan Hias sebagai Penopang Perekonomian Era Pandemi.

Ketua Tim: Meitri Bella Puspa.

7.Perunggu Presentasi (PKMK-6)

Judul: Inovasi Smart Pop-Up Batik Book Dilengkapi Fitur Augmented Reality, Website Terintegrasi, serta Batik Kit sebagai Media Interaktif Pembelajaran Batik.

Ketua Tim: Gusti Fattahillah Putra Merdeka.

8.Perunggu Presentasi (PKMKC-4)

Judul: Sistem Automasi Pompa di Polder dan Peringatan Dini untuk Mengantisipasi Banjir Berbasis Internet of Things dan Machine Learning.

Ketua Tim: Rifaldi Kallolangi.

9.Perunggu Presentasi (PKMRE-4)

Judul: Bio-Scrubber Berbahan Bacterial Cellulose Terimpregnasi Antibakteri Flavonoid dari Daun Kelor sebagai Solusi Substitusi Mikroplastik.

Ketua Tim: Afriza Ni’Matus Sa’Adah.

10.Perunggu Poster (PKMRE-1)

Judul: Andrographolide-Loaded Nanoniosome tanpa Kolesterol Sambiloto (Andrographis Paniculata) sebagai Penghambat Main Protease (Mpro) SARS-CoV-2.

Ketua Tim: Muchammad Faris.

In the final of the 34th PIMNAS, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) came out as the General Champion. Followed by the Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) in the second position, and the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) in the third position. The 34th PIMNAS is a prestigious national-level student scientific competition held annually by the Ministry of Education and Culture. In this year’s implementation, the 34th PIMNAS was attended by 3,126 students who were members of 735 teams from 108 universities throughout Indonesia. (Source: | Tim humas UNDIP).

Awesome! UNDIP Marine Students Win Silver Medals at XX Papua PON 2021

Awesome! UNDIP Marine Students Win Silver Medals at XX Papua PON 2021

FPIK, SEMARANG – Rezza Octavia, a Papuan archery athlete, donated a silver medal at the XX PON which took place at the Kampung Harapan archery venue, Jayapura Regency. Quoted from the Public Relations page of PB PON, Tuesday (5/10), Rezza contributed a silver medal for the women’s individual FITA recurve number. It is known that Rezza Octavia is a student of the Marine Science Study Program, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Diponegoro University (FPIK UNDIP). The Dean of FPIK UNDIP, Prof. Tri Winarni Agustini admitted that he was proud of Rezza’s achievements by presenting a silver medal at the XX Papua PON event.

In addition to Rezza Octavia, there were three other UNDIP students who also won achievements at the XX Papua PON event by winning 4 medals from the sports (sports) of archery and rollerblading. The three students are Syahara Khoerunisa from the Management Study Program, Abigail Guinevere Puteri Nimas Ayu from the Occupational Health and Safety Study Program, and Alifia Meidia Namasta from the Nutrition Science Study Program.

A student of UNDIP Nutrition Studies Program, Alifia, represented the PON contingent of DKI Jakarta Province and won 3 Gold medals at once in the sport of roller skating. Meanwhile, another medal from roller skating was also donated by an UNDIP student of the Occupational Health and Safety Study Program, namely Abigail Guinevere Puteri Nimas Ayu. Representing the Central Java PON contingent, Abigail competed in the women’s 42,000 meter Marathon. The match lasted 3 rounds before finally confirming the winner. Abigail carved the 3rd fastest time with 1 hour 19 minutes 13.03 seconds and was entitled to a Bronze medal at XX Papua PON. The first and second positions were achieved by the Jakarta PON contingent athletes with a time of 1 hour 19 minutes 13.01 seconds and 1 hour 19 minutes 13.02 seconds.

The archery medal winner is Rezza Octavia from the UNDIP Marine Science Study Program. She represented the Papuan PON contingent and competed in the Women’s Individual Recurve number. In a sport that relies on accuracy, Rezza became the first Papuan young athlete to successfully enter the archery training and get a silver medal. In addition, he also became part of the Tokyo Olympic athletes some time ago. The next silver nick was also won by an UNDIP Management Study Program student, Syahara Khoerunisa. She managed to win 1 silver medal when she competed in the Women’s Individual Compound number representing the Banten PON contingent.

Congratulations to the UNDIP students who won the championship at the XX Papua National Sports Week (PON) for the Archery and Roller Skate Sports Branch. Congratulations on achieving such a significant milestone. (Adm)

News source:

Ranny Ramadhani, Alumni of Marine Science FPIK UNDIP Recognized by DIVE Magazine as Women in Conservation

Ranny Ramadhani, Alumni of Marine Science FPIK UNDIP Recognized by DIVE Magazine as Women in Conservation

FPIK, SEMARANG – For Ranny Ramadhani Yuneni, having a desire to participate in preserving the marine world was felt since he studied at Diponegoro University (UNDIP) in 2009. When she was a student of the Marine Science Study Program, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK) UNDIP, Ranny felt that his choice was right and he really fell in love with the ocean. Therefore, after graduating, the woman who was born in Cilacap on March 20, 1991, chose to be totally active in the marine sector. Since 2013, she has chosen to work for WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) Indonesia. “Currently I am a member of WWF Indonesia in the Marine and Fisheries Program in Indonesia, specifically coordinating Shark and Ray Conservation Specialists,” said Ranny in an interview, Thursday (15/7/2021).

Ranny, who is currently completing her Masters Study Program (S2) in Postgraduate Environmental Science at Udayana University Bali, admitted that she worked on marine species issues, especially Marine Megafauna such as Sharks and Rays. Having spent more than nine years in conservation and marine activities, this alumni of SMA N 2 Tangerang admitted that her determination to enter this field was stronger after joining the Marine Diving Club (MDC) as a member of class XVII since 2010.

“After that, I explored diving in many waters inside and outside Indonesia with at least >450 logs dives with Advance OW PADI level. In starting my career, I was placed in a quite remote area in Raja Ampat Papua to educate children about the importance of loving and caring for coral reefs and sharks in the ocean,” she said of his experience. For her love and consistency in caring for species in the sea, when he was 20 years old, Ranny was named a Manta Ambassador to support the periodic research of Manta Rays in the Komodo Islands, East Nusa Tenggara in 2013. Since then he has been increasingly consistent in supporting the government in managing Sharks and Rays sustainably.

Photo: Quoted from Sally Snow’s Instagram page

on a dive to recover an acoustic receiver with #LAMAVE and @wwfphilippines in the Sulu Sea”

She also continues to innovate in the development of marine species bycatch mitigation technology with the aim of increasing the survival rate of these species caught by catch. In addition, she also supports several researches on the carrying capacity of diving tourism in marine protected areas and actively plays a role in the campaign to reduce shark consumption at WWF Indonesia, known as the #SOSharks Campaign.

“As an alumnus of UNDIP, I am very proud. I got a lot of marine knowledge on campus which is very helpful in the activities that I do now. For me, the meaning of success is being able to share knowledge as widely as possible and being able to play a role in “mainstreaming” marine species, especially sharks and rays in Indonesia,” explained the female alumni of SMP N 1 Tangerang.

Her involvement in research or research on the marine world is now also getting more intense. In the Shark-Stingray conservation program involving more than 60 students, for example, the scope of activities has spread from the western to the eastern parts of Indonesia. No wonder her name is listed in various publications such as theses, theses and journals at 22 universities in Indonesia; also its contribution in providing marine data nationally. Ranny also continues to actively initiate the implementation of the Indonesian Shark-Stingray which will be held from 2015 to 2021. In this forum, more than 350 national and regional researches have been presented, ranging from biology-ecology, socio-economics, and conservation-management. Ranny is also active in the Threatened Species Working Group (TSWG) CTI-CFF which covers six (6) countries in the world’s coral reef triangle area.

Photo: Quoted from the page

Photo: Ranny wearing a red shirt. Quoted from Riyanni Dangkaru’s Instagram page Serunya liburan di Bali, semakin banyak turis dari penjuru dunia yang memilih bersenang-senang disini. Ada yang memilih paket liburan hemat….”

Photo: Quoted from Ranny Ramadhani’s Instagram page There is always more to thank for than to complain about 😋 But anyway, menyelam dengan Pari Manta itu selalu menjadi salah satu pengalaman yang gak pernah bosan dilakukan! ….

Photo: Ranny Ramadhani Yuneni, alumni of the 2009 Marine Science Study Program.

During her career, the woman who has become a member of the Shark Specialist Group (SSG) Asia (previously only Southeast Asia) International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in 2016 was recognized as Women in Conservation in DIVE Magazine United Kingdom, and from WWF- Singapore in the issue of saving species, especially the Manta Ray (manta rescue issue) and other marine species. “I am very happy, this is a great award in my career. It is not easy to get an award that was initiated from abroad,” said Ranny, who has also had an internship at Species Endaged, Thretened and Protected (ETP) East Java, Maluku to Dobo – Aru Islands.

Suggestions for UNDIP students in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, Ranny said, so that students often open the Linkedin page, continue to expand networks/networking from all lines, be it government, academics, NGOs/NGOs, and the private sector. “In addition, don’t forget that FPIK UNDIP alumni are also scattered everywhere, so asking or communicating with alumni is also very helpful for current students to provide insight. Cheer up!” she concluded. (Source: | Tim Humas UNDIP)