Double Degree Collaboration with LA Rochelle University

Double Degree Collaboration with LA Rochelle University

Semarang . Thursday, January 18 2023, FPIK signed an MOU extension regarding the double degree doctoral program with LA Rochelle University. The objectives of the collaboration are:

  1. Cooperation in the implementation of double degree master education in Environmental Management and Coastal Ecology
  2. Other collaborations for the future such as training programs, doctoral program supervision, and short-term research with joint laboratories


The Mumaco Project

The Mumaco Project

Semarang, FPIK Undip collaborate with TU Delf and  WUR to The Mumaco Project. The Mumaco Project is Mussel as Mangrove Facilitator for Coastal Defense was establish from 2021 and program end planned at 2024. Project located at Timbulsloko village Sayung Demak and involved 3 major aspects:

  1. Dam (compound structure) as coastal defense by Alejandra Macheno;
  2. Biodiversity analysis by Lara Jansen; and
  3. Green Mussel culture by Ristiawan.

FPIK Undip and PT BPI Plant Artificial Coral Reefs and Fish Houses from Coal Waste

FPIK Undip and PT BPI Plant Artificial Coral Reefs and Fish Houses from Coal Waste

Semarang, FPIK Undip and PT BPI Plant Artificial Coral Reefs and Fish Houses made from Coal Waste. The activity was carried out on October 19, 2022. Hundreds of artificial coral reefs in the form of an Artificial Patch Reef (APR) pyramid and Artificial Fish Apartments (AFA) made of FABA (Bottom Ash) coal are planted in the Batang sea waters. The coral reefs are the result of research from the Faculty of Fisheries, Diponegoro University (Undip) Semarang in collaboration with PT BPI as a consortium for the construction of a 2×1,000 MW PLTU Batang.This activity was inaugurated directly by the Acting Regent of Batang Lani Dwi Rejeki as well as a symbolic installation with the Dean of Fisheries Undip and the board of directors of PT BPI at the Fish Port, Karangasem Utara Batang Village. The Acting Regent of Batang, Lani Dwi Rejeki, said that this is a new technology for the utilization of coal waste which is categorized as non-B3 which means it is not dangerous and then Undip and BPI will use it for coral reefs. “In accordance with government regulation number 22 of 2021 regarding the implementation of Environmental Protection and Management, Fly Ash and Bottom Ash (FABA) as non-B3 waste can be used by themselves or other parties as a substitute for substrate raw materials or in accordance with the development of Science and Technology ( science and technology),” he explained. Furthermore, the artificial coral reefs will be submerged in the sea as an effort to protect the marine ecosystem.

Coal waste or non-B3 FABA, not only for the manufacture of coral reefs, but also can be used as bricks and paving blocks. The Dean of the Undip Faculty of Agriculture, Prof. Tri Winarni said that FABA which was used as ATR and AFA had gone through research and it was stated that the waste was classified as non-B3. He explained that with different ratios FABA could replace cement which is now expensive. So the use of this waste can be something that is very useful for the community.Head of the Research Team and Coral Reef Experts at Undip Semarang, Munasik explained, coral reefs in the northern coastal waters, especially Batang, have been damaged very massively and are almost rare. This is due to the presence of sediment and seawater dilution. “Through the 2022 matching fun program, we want to revive coral reef habitats by utilizing coal waste.



Semarang, FPIK Undip held an activity to empower fishermen’s groups in Wonogiri district on May 25, 2022. In addition, fish seeds were also stocked. The Department of Capture Fisheries Service Team FPIK UNDIP chaired by Bogi Budi Jayanto, S.Pi., M.Si and consists of Prof. Ir Azis Nur Bambang, MS, Prof. Dr. Aristi Dian Purnama Fitri, S.Pi, M.Si and Dr. Ir. Abdul Kohar M, S. Pi, M. Si. carry out Community Service Programs with local fishing community groups around the Gajah Mungkur Reservoir that carry out fishing business.

In order to prevent the extinction of fish species, FPIK UNDIP students intensify research in Rawa Pening

In order to prevent the extinction of fish species, FPIK UNDIP students intensify research in Rawa Pening

FPIK, SEMARANG – (Source: Students of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, University of Diponegoro (FPIK UNDIP) are intensifying research to prevent the risk of extinction of fish species in Freshwater Lake Rawa Pening. The species of Nilem or Lumajang fish (Cycloceilichthys enoplos), Wader Ijo (Osteochilus vittatus) and Wader Bintik Dua (Barbodes binotatus) which are rare species have been detected. “Such fish are called endemic or native fish which exist only in one place and cannot be found in other locations,” said Professor of FPIK UNDIP, Prof. Dr. Agus Hartoko who is the student supervisor.

This research involves tracking biota by Nisrina Septi Haryani, a student of the Aquatic Resources Management Study Program, FPIK UNDIP, guided by lecturers Agus Hartoko and Dr Diah Ayuningrum. The discovery of the species was after applying the research model of morphology, morphometry and genetic diversity with DNA barcodes. “The aim of this research is to find out the endemic species in Rawa Pening, especially wader fish. The method used underlies the morphological analysis, morphometric or meristic techniques and molecular analysis using the DNA Barcoding method. Besides that, it is also through phylogenetic relationships and the level of genetic diversity,” Agus added.

Photo: FPIK UNDIP Student Documentation

The research was carried out in March-October 2021. From the analysis of 33 individual fish studied, three endemic fish species were found. The importance of this kind of research is that it brings benefits to the preservation of genetic diversity as well as efforts for captive breeding of endemic fish such as the wader species so that they do not become extinct in Rawa Pening. Without concrete steps, this kind of fish could one day be lost forever. This finding also complements the existence of five species that were first recognized in this place. The original fish that had been recorded in Rawa Pening in a 2006 study were Wader Pari (R. lateristriata), White Wader (R. jacobsoni), Andong Wader (B. canchonius), Cakul Wader (P. binotatus) and Ijo Wader (O .vittatus).

Source: Suara Merdeka

FPIK UNDIP Lecturer Invites Demak Community to Manage Plastic Waste

FPIK UNDIP Lecturer Invites Demak Community to Manage Plastic Waste

FPIK, SEMARANG -​ On Saturday (2/10), 10 students of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Diponegoro University (FPIK UNDIP) class 2018 – 2020, including Fathiyah, Aen, Zalza, Taqiya, Talitha, Rofiatul, Inda, Hafidz , Dika, and Gindo have visited a village in Demak Regency, Central Java. The purpose of this visit was to survey the environment and waste management conditions in Kedung Malang Village, Kedung Mutih Village and Morodemak Village accompanied by FPIK lecturers namely Agus Trianto, ST, M.Sc., Ph.D., Faik Kurohman, S.Pi. , M. Si,. Sigit Febrianto, S. Kel, M. Si,. Oktavianto Eko Jati, S.Pi, M.Si and Kukuh Prakoso, S.Pi., M.Sc. This activity is a series of FPIK UNDIP collaboration programs initiated by Agus Trianto, S.T, M.Sc, Ph.D together with Rumah Ilham Foundation, GotBag and several students from RheinMain University of Applied Science, Germany.

Bu Lurah stated that the people of Kedung Malang Village are still not indifferent to waste, every 3 days there is a garbage collection at a cost of Rp. 6,000, – but the withdrawal is still difficult because it is difficult for residents to pay. Residents wish that there is already a sorting of dry and wet waste from the upstream area, so that waste management will be easier, and they want to make a program for this. In addition, the Mutiara Laut Srikandi waste group in Kedung Malang wants to have a legal entity to facilitate waste management activities in the area. Kedung Malang Village has several other obstacles, such as the lack of human resources to transport and manage waste, and the unavailability of a TPA. The temporary location of the TPA has been on land for the construction of the GOR, however, the construction of the GOR is currently in progress, so residents need a new land as a TPA.

Photo: Discussion with Bu Lurah and Rumah Ilham Foundation. (Source: Personal Documentation)

In contrast to the village of Kedung, Malang, Mrs. Lukis as one of the residents of Kedung Mutih village initiated the waste management program. The activities that have been carried out are socialization which was responded well by the community, but there are still few changes from the community. Previously, the community had been diligent in collecting waste and exchanging it for money that was recaptured in savings, even the community could collect up to 34 tons of garbage if the pandemic was not hindered. With a program from the village for exchanging waste for money, people are competing to collect waste. The fishermen not only look for fish but also look for garbage in the sea. This makes the riverbanks clean and fish emerge into the waters. The only constraint of this program is the lack of a fleet for garbage collection, because there is no fleet to pick up trash from every house, the mothers who have collected garbage instead throw garbage carelessly because it has piled up.

From Rumah Ilham, providing solutions for plastic waste made from polymere or brittle quickly, the plastic waste is sold to cement factories to become additional raw materials.

Kedung Mutih has a driving organization commonly known as the pearl of the sea heroine organization, consisting of women in the Kedungmutih area. Their obstacles are the lack of support from the village, the absence of a TPA, Fleet and garbage collection cars so that waste management becomes hampered. (admin)

Photo: Socialization and Discussion with Mutiara Laut Srikandi group. (Source: Personal Documentation)