Make Meatballs & Nuggets from Cultivated Catfish and Vegetables (Buleyur) in Nyatnyono Village, Semarang
Four lecturers from the Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Diponegoro University, chaired by Dr. Diana Chilmawati, S.Pi., M.Sc., with members Dr. Ir. Diana Rachmawati, M.Si., Dr. Ir. Istiyanto Samidjan, M.S., and Ristiawan Agung Nugroho, S.Pi., M.Sc. conduct a community service program by introducing the program for Making Meatballs and Nuggets from Catfish and Vegetable Cultivation (BULEYUR) in buckets (4/6).
Small and Medium Enterprises Partners (UKM)/Fish Farming Group (Pokdakan) Siwarak Mina Sejahtera is an UKM/Pokdakan located in Blanten Hamlet, Nyatnyono Village, Semarang Regency which is a partner in this Undip FPIK Grant funding program. Based on the results of the visit, the Fish Farmers Group (Pokdakan) is engaged in catfish farming. The lack of knowledge to utilize it into ready-to-cook and ready-to-eat products is what makes Dr. Diana Chilmawati and the Team did community service in the area.
The program that is focused on this year as an output target is increasing the added value of catfish products from Budidamber results at the Siwarak Mina Sejahtera Pokdakan, Nyatnyono Village, West Ungaran District, Semarang Regency. Training and mentoring is carried out continuously by the service team with face-to-face meetings. The service activity began with the counseling process for making catfish nuggets and meatballs followed by direct practice by the business partners of the Siwarak Mina Sejahtera Fish Farming Group (Pokdakan). In addition, the service team conducted outreach and assistance in the form of creating Shopee, Facebook, Instagram, Tik-Tok Shop accounts for the sale of M-GOOD FISH products. In addition, the grant provided by the Community Service Team to pokdakan partners is in the form of a food processor to make it easier for partners to continue the business of making catfish meatballs and nuggets from catfish and vegetable cultivation in buckets which has been carried out so that the added value of catfish products is increased at a price of IDR 25,000/day kg to Rp. 110,000/kg.