Accredited A | 1663/AK/BAN-PT/Ak-PPJ/S/III/2020

Operating Permit: Decree of the Director General of Higher Education No. 2282/D/T/2001 | Graduate degree: Bachelor of Science (S.Si) | Equality in KKNI (Equivalent Level to Indonesian National Qualification framework: Level 6).


Hydrodynamics, Physical Oceanography, Remote Sensing and Marine Mapping, Seawater Analytical Chemistry, Marine Geology, Marine Biology, Oceanic Numerical Methods, Tides, Ocean Waves, Sea Geophysics, Ocean Currents, Marine Instrumentation Systems, Marine Geographic Information Systems, Marine Environmental Chemistry, Oceanographic Modeling, Oceanographic Methods, Chemical Oceanography, Geological Oceanography, Marine Sedimentology, Fisheries Oceanography, Biological Oceanography, Oceanographic Engineering, Coastal Hydraulics, Marine Geochemistry, Coastal, and Marine Disaster Mitigation, Marine Meteorology and Climatology, and Entrepreneurship.


Undergraduate Department of Oceanographic is the development of competence oceanography that has been accredited by the National Accreditation Board (Accredited A, No 089/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/III/2015) and Certified ISO 9001:2015 – Certificate No. 105039/A/0001/UK/En. The development of the field of oceanography is rapidly increasing along with the greater need for graduates from various government agencies, the private sector, as well as the marine industry, fisheries, and energy exploration (mining, marine alternative energy, etc.). The study covers physical, chemical, and biological processes in oceanography, remote sensing, ocean mapping, and modeling, marine geology, oceanic-based-renewable energy, coastline management, coastal hazard, coastal and oceanic zone management, early warning disaster mitigation, and the design of tropical coastal structures; as such that after the program they are able to solve various practical problems in the coastal areas.


The teaching and learning process conducted by the Oceanography Study Program is programmed for 8 (eight) semesters or 4 (four) academic years with 145 semester credits. Each semester there are 14-16 teaching and learning processes (the 8th meeting for the Midterm Examination and the 16th meeting for the Final Semester Examination).


As educators, researchers, managers, and entrepreneurs.


Head of Study Program: Dr. Kunarso, S.T., M.Si
+6224 7474698 | |