We are Opening Marlin Squad Accelerating Program 2021

by admin | Sept 13th 2020

FPIK, SEMARANG – Independent Campus Competition Program, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Universitas Diponegoro (FPIK UNDIP). The program aims to provide an excellent research training and knowledge to help student pursuing higher degree or career in the field of academia and research.

Who are eligible to apply? Undergraduate students of Marine Science Department FPIK UNDIP who have completed at least 4 semesters by September 2021.


Research Grant

Five research teams (each with 2-3 student members) will be selected to receive a maximum of IDR 20,000,000 grant for each team. Each team will be supervised by an UNDIP lecturer and a supervisor from partner university abroad.

Research Training

Research training in a form of online seminar with UNDIP supervisor and partner university supervisor will be conducted for a total of two months. Students selected for this program will have a chance to practice their research skill and directly discuss and interact with international partners to achieve an excellent standard in pursuing higher degree.

Webinars (Studying Abroad, Scholarship Application & Personal Statement)

Online seminars will be provided exclusively for selected students. Including trainings on how to prepare the plan to study abroad, how to fill out scholarship application, and how to write a proper personal statement.

Important Dates

Proposal deadline

September 25th 2021

Team Selection & Partner Supervisor

September 25th – Sept 30th 2021

Team Announcement

September 30th 2021

Kick-off Meeting*

October 1st 2021

Progress Report Seminars*

October 15th and October 29th 2021

Final Presentation*

November 12th 2021


October – November 2021


*Schedule can be adjusted accordingly within a week of the mentioned dates.

How to Apply

Research proposal should be written in English in NO more than 3000 words (please use the template: bit.ly/MSAP2021). Any research theme related to marine science are welcome, and those highlighting the importance of marine biodiversity, marine biotechnology and marine conservation are prioritized. Please note that your proposed research should be completed within a timeframe of 2 months (October to mid-November 2021).


Background should briefly explain the state of the art related to this research, the importance of the proposed research, and clearly mention the aim of the research, written in no more than 1000 words. Figures or diagrams that can better explain the background may be included.


Method should clearly explain how and where the data/sample will be taken or the experiments will be conducted, including brief explanation on what materials and equipment that will be used. Method should be written in 500-1000 words.

Expected result & research outcome

Expected result could be a hypothesis of your research or a description of what the team wish to achieve by conducting the research. It should be written in 500-1000 words. Please also write the planned outcome of the research, for example: manuscript draft; international publication in Scopus indexed journal; module for technology transfer; etc. Due to the very limited timeframe of this program, please consider to write an actual and realistic outcome rather than exaggerated ones.


References should be cited in the background, method, and (optionally) expected result, as the following example. The references should be written in the reference list in an alphabetical order.


…. Author 1 last name (year) mentioned that ….. (if there is only one author)

…. Author 1 and Author 2 last name (year) mentioned that …. (if there are 2 authors)

…. Author 1 last name et al. (year) mentioned that …. (if there are more than 2 authors)

…. this finding supports by previous report that the corals belong to the same species (Author 1 et al., year).

Research Budget

The proposed research budget (Rancangan Anggaran Belanja (RAB)) should all be written in Bahasa Indonesia (see the format table in the Proposal Template: bit.ly/MSAP2021).

Supervisors (UNDIP and Partner University)

Project supervisor should be a lecturer from Marine Science Department, and each lecturer can only supervise one team. Research team that has already included supervisor from partner university (abroad, preferably from QS-100 Universities) are prioritized. If the selected team has no supervisor from partner university, the MSAP committee will assist to find supervisors with expertise closest to the proposed field of research. Supervisors will have to attend the Kick-off meeting, Progress report seminars, and Final presentation.

Selection Criteria

The teams will be selected based on the administrative criteria i.e. 1) The proposal is well written according to the template, 2) Appealing research topic with clearly described aim and outcome, and 3) Comprehensive and complete method. However, additional selection process in a form of online interview might also be conducted when necessary.


Please download and fill out the proposal template and submit your proposal in PDF format to the following email webinar.ilmukelautan@gmail.com with the subject “Proposal MSAP_Team Leader Name”.