The Independent Learning Consortium (KMB) UNDIP, UNPAD and UNHAS

oleh admin | March, 2nd,2021

FPIK, SEMARANG – In order to prepare students to face social changes, culture, the world of work, and rapid technological advances, student competencies must be prepared to be more relevant to the needs of the times. Link and match not only with the world of industry and the world of work but also with a rapidly changing future. Higher education institutions are required to be able to design and implement innovative learning processes so that students can achieve learning outcomes including aspects of attitudes, knowledge and skills in an optimal and always relevant manner.

It is hoped that the Freedom of Learning – Campus Merdeka policy can be the answer to these demands. Merdeka Campus is a form of learning in Higher Education that is autonomous and flexible so as to achieve a learning culture that is innovative, non-restrictive, and in accordance with the needs of students.

One form of the Freedom Learning policy is to carry out learning activities outside of higher education. In implementing this policy, Diponegoro University, Padjajaran University and Hasanudin University collaborated in the form of a Free Learning Consortium to facilitate students to study outside the study program to improve soft skills and hard skills.

Come on for UNDIP, UNPAD and UNHAS students, don’t wait anymore to register for Merdeka Learning, please register yourself !!! (Source:

The Merdeka Learning Consortium is a student exchange program in the Independent Learning Program at three universities, namely: UNDIP, UNPAD, and UNHAS.
With this program, students can take courses inside or outside similar study programs outside the University.


  1. Register via the page:
  2. Choose a destination university
  3. Students can choose 2 universities by re-registering.
  4. Choosing a study program
  5. Choosing Subjects: Minimum 4 credits and a maximum of 8 credits
  6. Complete the required files

UNDIP active students in semesters 4,6, and 8.

Registration Closing: March 9, 2021

Complete information can be accessed via the link: