Student Creativity Program (PKM) FPIK 2020

by admin | September 30th, 2020

FPIK, SEMARANG – Student Creativity Program FPIK is a research-based competition in the 5 fields of PKM for students of Fisheries and Marine Science Faculty (FPIK) Diponegoro University (UNDIP) with the aim to increasing interest in making PKM 5 Fields UNDIP.

PKM category

The 5 PKM field categories contested in the PKM FPIK 2020 are:

  1. Exact Research PKM (PKM-PE)
  2. Entrepreneurship PKM (PKM-K)
  3. Community Service PKM (PKM-M)
  4. PKM Karsa Cipta (PKM-KC)
  5. PKM Technology (PKM-T)

The PKM writing guidelines refer to the PKM 2020 Guidelines, which can be downloaded at the following link:

The registration form and submission of the PKM proposal that has been signed by the supervisor at the following link:

Format of validation sheet:

Format of Chairman’s Statement:

For complete information and an updated timeline, check the poster! Don’t you miss it! Spirit!

For more information at @riskelbemfpikundip



Yosi Sijabat: 08572740898

Nadia Hutapea: 087786766757

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