FPIK Holds International Tropical Summer Course (ITroSCo) 2020!
by admin | Agustus 14th, 2020
FPIK, SEMARANG – Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FPIK) Universitas Diponegoro is holding International Tropical Summer Course (ITroSCo) 2020. This program invites international students from universities around the globe to participate in this summer course. Are you ready for the upcoming courses? Come and join us!
Register before 22nd August 2020 and join our free online pre-camp sessions to win a Scholarship ITroSCo Field-camp in 2021, where you can snorkel and explore the underwater life in Karimunjawa paradise island, learn the conservation, and utilization of beautiful tropical aquatic flora and fauna of Indonesia. You will also experience hands-on making your own batik through our batik class and visit historical places in Semarang city as well as introducing your own culture to our students!
What will you learn?
Introduction to sea turtle ecology.
- Coral reef ecosystem in Karimunjawa National Park.
- Ocean and climate dynamics in Indonesian Seas.
- Mangrove: A unique and yet important coastal ecosystem.
- Seed production for mariculture in Indonesia.
- Utilization of fisheries harvest for food and export product.
- The philosophy behind the art of Indonesian Batik.
- Influence of chinese and dutch culture in Semarang City.
The Summer Course will be held on 14 – 27 September 2020 (online)
- Register and complete the form (bit.ly/itroscoregistration)
- Registration Assignment:
Make a one-minute creative video to introduce yourself and why you are interested to join ITroSCo 2020. Upload it on YouTube and put the title as: “ITroSCo 2020 Motivation Video” and give the hashtag #ITroSCo #fpikundip and type in the YouTube link on the registration form.
*Due to request from participants who are unable to upload videos, the committee has decided to make this assignment optional and you may also optional to upload it in your other social media account such as Facebook or Instagram.
Download ITroSCo Pre-camp poster.
Download ITroSCo Field-camp poster.