General Lecture

The Role of Institutions and Communities in Strengthening Conservation-Based Socio-Economic and Cultural Resilience in Coastal Areas

by admin | November, 1st 2020

FPIK, SEMARANG – The Master Program in Aquatic Resources Management, Department of Aquatic Resources, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Diponegoro University invited you throughout Indonesia to take part in our 10th Series Online Public Lecture with the theme:

The Role of Institutions and Communities in Strengthening Conservation-Based Socio-Economic and Cultural Resilience in Coastal Areas

This online public lecture will be held virtually

(via Zoom Meeting and Live on Department of Aquatic Resources YouTube Channel).


Wednesday, November 4, 2020 | 09.00 – 11.30 WIB



E-Certificate, useful science and networking

Stay Healthy and Productive, guys!