General Lecture

Cultivation Technology and Business Prospects of Ornamental Seawater Fish and Vaname Shrimp on Household to Industrial Scale

by admin | November 23rd, 2020

FPIK, SEMARANG – Seawater Ornamental Fish and Vaname Shrimp Cultivation is a trend for entrepreneurs, not only for large scale (industry) but also on a small scale (household). Want to know the cultivation technology of Seawater Fish and Vaname Shrimp and their business prospects?

Department of Aquaculture FPIK Universitas Diponegoro presented a Public Lecture entitled “Cultivation Technology and Business Prospects of Ornamental Seawater Fish and Vaname Shrimp on Household to Industrial Scale”


Wednesday, November 25th, 2020 | 08.00 WIB

Conducted online through the Zoom Meeting.



Adi Hardiyanto S.Pi (Engineer of the Ambon Marine Cultivation Fisheries Center)

Supito, S.Pi., M.Si (Head of the Takalar Brackish Water Cultivation Center)



Dr. Diana Chilmawati S.Pi, M.Si (Lecturer in Aquaculture FPIK UNDIP)



Prof. Ir. Tri Winarni Agustini, M.Sc., PhD. (Dean of FPIK UNDIP)




Get knowledge from the experts directly! FREE!!

*Mandatory attendance for active students of the aquaculture department UNDIP”