Breakthrough of the New Professor of UNDIP

Breakthrough of the New Professor of UNDIP

FPIK, SEMARANG – Diponegoro University again held a presentation of prospective professors at the UNDIP Academic Senate Meeting Room which was attended by the Chair, Deputy, and Secretary of the Academic Senate, as well as the Board of Professors. The Plenary Meeting of the Senate Academic Professors Council is held online and offline.

The first presentation by Dr. sc. Agr. Iwan Rudiarto, S.T., M.Sc., lecturer at the Faculty of Engineering (FT) UNDIP who explained the results of his research entitled “Planning and Development of Inclusive Villages: Multi-Dimensional Approaches to Sustainable Village Planning & Development”. The conditions and socio-economic development of rural communities are closely related to the availability of resources, however, the high movement of villagers towards the city causes changes in the social and economic structure of rural communities. Other factors such as financial, social, and physical factors called livelihood assets greatly affect the availability of rural land resources. There is a need for rural socioeconomic and resource modeling as well as modeling of future development strategies. By identifying socioeconomic characteristics spatially, it can be seen that there are significant differences between developed and less developed regions, comparability of rural areas, and differences in typology. Environmental issues such as land degradation also affect the resilience and economic conditions of rural communities. Through his research, the lecturer who is also a member of the National Planning Association (IAP) focuses on developing rural and rural areas in the city of Semarang, by identifying rural resilience, vulnerability and disaster mitigation in coastal areas, and village spatial planning from the aspect of utilization land resources.

The second presentation was delivered by Dr. Ir. Fronthea Swastawati, M.Sc. who is a lecturer at the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FPIK) UNDIP. Based on the fact that the level of fish consumption in Indonesia continues to increase, he raised the theme “Liquid Smoke Technology Innovation for the Processing of Fishery Products Towards the Industrial Revolution 4.0 in Indonesia”. One of the main products produced by fish processing in Central Java is smoked fish, which can now be processed using liquid smoke technology. Liquid smoke has many advantages compared to conventional smoking methods, including fish that can cook evenly more quickly, does not burn, avoids the effects of carcinogens, is environmentally friendly, and acts as a flavoring agent as well as a smoke flavor. The use of liquid smoke technology is not only for smoked fish, but can also be used in the processing of fresh fish, meatballs, nuggets, and other food ingredients. The development of this liquid smoke engine innovation is supported by the Department of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of Central Java Province.

The results of this research from FT and FPIK UNDIP lecturers aim to solve problems that exist in society, especially in Semarang and Central Java Province. With this research, it is hoped that UNDIP can focus on researching the area of ​​Central Java Province and the northern coast of Java Island with the theme of urbanization and rural-urban transformation. In the fisheries sector, UNDIP liquid smoke technology contributes to the exploration of potential marine resources, increases the effectiveness and production of processed fishery products, and expands market access with more modern management. (Source:

FPIK UNDIP is Victorious at PIMNAS 2020

FPIK UNDIP is Victorious at PIMNAS 2020

FPIK, SEMARANG – PIMNAS or short for National Student Scientific Week is the final stage of the implementation of the Student Creativity Program (PKM) which is a national scale forum for students to present and communicate with each other through their intellectual creations. In 2020, Gadjah Mada University will officially host the 33rd PIMNAS which has been held online as an application of health protocols in an effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and a series of activities were successfully held on November 24th – 29th, 2020.

According to a news publication from the National Achievement Center (Puspresnas) Ministry of Education and Culture, this year there have been as many as 65,000 PKM proposals. From a series of selection processes conducted by the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs (Dit. Belmawa) of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture, there were 625 PKM proposals from 101 universities that entered the final stage of the 33rd PIMNAS, where 31 proposals of UNDIP students were included, as well as placing research campuses that were in Semarang City, it is the fourth largest university for scientific writing that has passed the 33rd PIMNAS final stage.

Detailed from the category of proposals, 31 scientific papers by UNDIP students consist of 2 PKM Entrepreneurship (PKMK) proposals, 2 PKM Karsa Cipta (PKMKC) proposals, 10 PKM proposals for written ideas (PKMGT), 2 PKM Community Service proposals (PKMM), 2 PKM proposals Applied Technology (PKMT), 9 proposals for PKM for Exact Research (PKMPE) and 6 proposals for PKM for Social Humanities Research (PKMPSH).

UNDIP Vice Rector 1 for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Budi Setiyono PhD, revealed that in the initial selection process 700 proposals were sent from the Diponegoro Campus. Of that number, 128 student proposals were selected to get funding from the Directorate General of Higher Education. The details are 58 research proposals, 31 community service proposals, 7 entrepreneurship program proposals, 4 technology proposals and 14 copyright proposals. In the final stage, 31 proposals from UNDIP students passed the 33rd PIMNAS.

“Of course we are grateful for the struggles of the students. Our job is also to continue to support and assist students in achieving the best positions in the 2020 PIMNAS event. We continue to carry out evaluations and mentoring as much as possible, “said Prof. Budi Setiyono PhD, Monday (11/2/2020).

Interestingly, there are 3 out of 31 UNDIP scientific works which are the work of students of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FPIK). The three scientific papers of FPIK students have been recommended to take part in the final stage at the 33rd PIMNAS. The first team came from the Oceanography Department chaired by Satria Ginanjar and his members are Husein Alfarizi and Siti Wulandari with the PKMKC category. The second team came from the Capture Fisheries Department chaired by Muhammad Syahril Munthe and his members are Izzatun Nuha and Nuraini Elvi Fajrin under the PKMT category. Furthermore, the third team also came from the Capture Fisheries Department chaired by Synthiya Machdani and her members are Ardhiyansyah Bhakti L and Wildan Pratama Bagaskara with the PKMKC category. The following is a poster and video presentation information about the scientific work of the three FPIK UNDIP student teams: Poster and Video of the Satria Ginanjar team | Poster and Video of Muhammad Syahril Munthe team | Poster and Video of the Synthiya Machdani team.

Arrived on time, on November 28, 2020 which was the day for determining the winner of the best scientific work, 2 of the 3 scientific works of the FPIK UNDIP student team got 2nd place respectively. The team that succeeded in becoming the winner was the Department of Oceanography student team chaired by Satria Ginanjar with the title of the work “Flood Early Warning System (Rob) and Website and Android Integrated Tidal Waves for Coastal Community Disaster Mitigation” and a team from the Capture Fisheries Department chaired by Muhammad Syahril Munthe with the work title “Baronang Fish and Turtle Repellent Tool (Siganus sp.) as a Solution to Preventing Failed Seaweed Harvesting in Karimunjawa, Jepara, Central Java”.

Apart from FPIK students who won 2nd place, other UNDIP students such as the team from Tri Rahayu with the title of the work “Protection of Online Ojek Drivers for Providing Equal Rights through the Bestuurshandling Instrument” managed to get 3rd place. Then, the team from Ilham Adi Nugroho with the title of work ” The Education System for Mount Merapi Disaster Mitigation Based on Virtual Reality in Srumbung Village Community “succeeded in bringing home the 2nd place. Then the team from Peter Kusnadi with the title of the work” Innovation in Making Environmentally Friendly Substitute Fuels from Liquid Waste Foodcourt as a Solution to Fuel Scarcity in Indonesia “Succeeded in making UNDIP proud with the 1st place and the team from Moch Ali Utomo with the title of the work” Utilization of Indigenous Inulinolotic Yeast Cane Dregs (Bagasse) as Producer of Inulinase Biocatalyst in Low Calorie Sugar Production ” succeeded in adding to the collection of 1st Place at the 33rd PIMNAS. (Adm).

Evan Hansel FPIK Student, Won Third Place in the EURYCOMA Scientific Essay Competition

Evan Hansel FPIK Student, Won Third Place in the EURYCOMA Scientific Essay Competition

FPIK, SEMARANG – At the end of last October 2020, a student of the Department of Marine Science 2017 named Evan Hansel Frederick won 3rd place in the EURYCOMA scientific essay competition organized by BEM of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Mulawarman University. The big theme of this year’s essay competition is “Student Action to Actively Role Against the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic” with three sub-themes, one of which is “Optimizing the Use of Natural Materials to Improve Health as a Preventive Effort against the Covid-19 Pandemic”.

Evan, who is currently researching the yeast diversity of the seaweed association, took the initiative to raise the issue he was researching into an essay writing idea. The title of the idea that Evan brought up was “Using Yeast in the Production of Marine Prebiotics from Seaweed as an Enhancer of Body Immunity during the Covid-19 Pandemic”. The process of topic taking, writing, mentoring and preparation for the competition was guided by Dr. Mada Triandala Sibero.

After going through the full paper stage, Evan was selected to be 10 finalists who had the opportunity to present his ideas on October 31, 2020 at 09.00 WITA. Until the awarding night and the closing of the event on November 2, 2020, Evan was selected as the 3rd winner in the EURYCOMA scientific essay competition.

Congratulations to Evan and I hope that the essay idea can be realized through the research project that is currently being carried out. (Dept. Marine Science).

Encouraging Healthy Lifestyle for Tambak Mulyo Residents, MSP also Prioritizes Seafood Quality Standards

Encouraging Healthy Lifestyle for Tambak Mulyo Residents, MSP also Prioritizes Seafood Quality Standards

FPIK, SEMARANG – Several Lecturers from the Aquatic Resources Management Study Program (MSP), Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FPIK), Universitas Diponegoro (UNDIP) have carried out community service in Tambak Mulyo Village, Tanjung Mas Village, Semarang on November 3rd, 2020. This activity is led by Oktavianto Eko Jati, S.Pi., M.Si which is the 1st team with Prof. members. Norma Afiati, M.Sc., Ph.D; Dr. Ir. Pujiono Wahyu Purnomo, M.S; Arif Rahman, S.Pi, M.Si. and Sigit Febrianto, S.Kel., M.Si. Furthermore, Nurul Latifah, S.Kel, M.Si. is the leader of team 2 with members Dr. Ir. Frida Purwanti, M.Sc and Agus Trianto, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D.

Regarding the health sector which currently still needs to be improved in the general public, Team 1 provided information to the people of Tambak Mulyo Village about the importance of maintaining personal and environmental hygiene through the use of antiseptics and disinfectants. In his presentation this time, Team 1 collaborated with Mitra Bahari KUB Partners. Socialization related to health and environmental hygiene continues to be encouraged through this socialization activity. After the socialization ended, Team 1 provided assistance in the form of hand sanitizers, hand soap, and disinfectants.

To continue this health campaign, Team 1 also created and distributed posters about the use of antiseptics and disinfectants. It also contains information regarding the emphasis on preventing the spread of the Covid-19 outbreak. To increase awareness of household waste management, the community service team also provided trash cans in Tambak Mulyo Village. Team 1 leader, Oktavianto Eko Jati, S.Pi., M.Si hopes that this service can help Tambak Mulyo residents to avoid the Covid-19 outbreak, and can increase awareness of a healthy lifestyle and environmental health.

The quality of food products requires nutritional assessment standards and safety quality standards, so that food products are suitable for human consumption. This became the basis for Team 2 in their service activities. Nurul Latifah, S.Kel., M.Si and team members tested the results of heavy metal on green shell cracker products belonging to the TERATAI Marketing Processing Group (Poklahsar). The results of the lab test for Pb (lead) on Green Shell Crackers were an average of 0.559 mg/l exceeding the quality standard of 0.06 mg/l (SNI, 2009) Likewise, the heavy metal Cd (Cadmium), the results show an average of 0.128 mg/l which still exceeds the quality standard of 0.04 mg/l (SNI, 2009). The heavy metal content in Green Shell Crackers which exceeds the quality standard based on SNI 2009 concerning the Maximum Limit of Heavy Metal Contamination in Food, mobilizes the service team to be able to carry out further service regarding the process of reducing heavy metals in Green Shells through a purification or depuration process. At the end of the activity, Team 2 gave the Poklahsar TERATAI the product processing facilities in the form of an oven, sealer, cracker dough grinder and modules. (Dept. SDA).



SNI 7387:2009 tentang Batas Maksimum Cemaran Logam Berat dalam Pangan.


Department of Aquatic Resources Successfully has Done Community Services in Jatibarang Reservoir

Department of Aquatic Resources Successfully has Done Community Services in Jatibarang Reservoir

FPIK, SEMARANG – The Service Team of the Department of Aquatic Resources, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK), Diponegoro University (UNDIP), held a series of activities with the Suko Makmur Tourism Awareness Group (Pokdarwis) in the Jatibarang Reservoir Area. The first service activity in the field of conservation is the provision of appropriate technology in the waste disposal system. The activity has the theme “Improving Sanitation as an Environmental Conservation Effort in Jatibarang Reservoir, Semarang” which was initiated by Dr. Aninditia Sabdaningsih. Furthermore, the second conservation service activity, Dr. Haeruddin and Arif Rahman, M.Si together with the team initiated the theme “Controlling Oil Pollution from Various Activities in the Jatibarang Reservoir”. The second conservation service activities were successfully carried out from October to November 2020.

This series of activities also supports and encourages community preparedness in facing the new normal order in the Covid-19 pandemic situation. Wiwiet Teguh Taufani, M.Si and the team carried out an activity with the theme “Socialization of Healthy Living Habits Movement” which was applied in making information boards related to health protocols for tourist visitors. According to Prof. Suradi Wijaya Saputra and his team, as an effort to strengthen the role of society in mitigating and adapting new habits, the provision of appropriate technology in the form of hand washing stations must be reproduced in the Jatibarang Reservoir Area.

Apart from washing hands, Churun’Ain, M.Si and the team through the Science and Technology Program for Assisted Villages (IDBU) have provided training in making hand soap, hand sanitizer and disinfectant from Aloe Vera. Dr. Diah Ayuningrum and her team also invited residents around the reservoir to maintain health and immune resistance through the “Family Medicinal Plant Development (TOGA) program as an Effort to Improve the Immune System in the midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic”.

Now the new normal order has required Pokdarwis Suko Makmur to adapt to the tourism sector. Increasing the tourism sector is also the focus of service activities. In addition to increasing people’s income through the tourism sector, this activity also aims to increase the interest of tourist visitors to the Jatibarang Reservoir tourist attraction. Churun’Ain, M.Si with Dr. Suryanti and Nurul Latifah, M.Si brought the concept of education which was applied in the form of making ecotourism thematic maps and infographics of the Jatibarang Reservoir by utilizing Geographic Information System (GIS) technology.

Various service activities carried out by the Department of Aquatic Resources have supported the Sustainable Development Goals program number 1 No Poverty, 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth and 14 Life Below Water. (Dept. SDA).

Bronze Medal for FPIK UNDIP Students at Korea International Women’s Inventions Expositions (KIWIE) 2020

Bronze Medal for FPIK UNDIP Students at Korea International Women’s Inventions Expositions (KIWIE) 2020


Five students from the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FPIK), Diponegoro University (UNDIP) successfully won a bronze medal at the Korea International Women’s Inventions Expositions (KIWIE) 2020 event. They collaborated to make a product called Chiberry Jam and it was successfully exhibited in the international arena. Chiberry Jam or which stands for Chitosan & Strawberry Jam is a food product that uses local strawberries and waste from shrimp carapace to be used as jam as an alternative food for cholesterol sufferers.

Apart from being able to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, this product is predicted to be able to reduce waste generated from the shrimp farming industry and support increased agricultural yields, especially domestic strawberries.

The five outstanding students referred to are Nurfitri Lutfiah Sufiani, Rissinta Mahdalena, Sarrah Nadhifah Azmy, Yolla Febriani and Nalia Tasya Gunawan. The five students are active students of the Department of Fisheries Product Technology (THP) FPIK UNDIP. Despite the limited conditions amid the Covid-19 pandemic, they have proven by making achievements in the international arena. In the future, they hope that Chiberry Jam can be produced through clinical trials, so that it can be consumed and have a positive impact on the health of the Indonesian people. (BEMFPIK).