Fpik Undip Participates in Technology Intermediation at Marine Science Technopark Jepara Regency

Fpik Undip Participates in Technology Intermediation at Marine Science Technopark Jepara Regency

Semarang. Tuesday, 11 April 2023, Prof. Tri attended the Technology Intermediation activity at the Marine Science Technopark in Telukawur, Jepara Regency. The event carried the theme “Increasing Vaname Shrimp Productivity Through a Water Management Engineering Strategy”. Welcome remarks by the Director of the Directorate of Science and Techno Park, Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Widiasa, S.T., M.T. The opening remarks by the Head of Central Java Bapped. Previously MSTP was part of FPIK Undip but in 2017 its management was taken over by the Undip Rectorate.


BKIPM Collaborates with FPIK UNDIP in the Development of Science in the Field of Fish Quarantine, Quality and Safety of Fishery Products

BKIPM Collaborates with FPIK UNDIP in the Development of Science in the Field of Fish Quarantine, Quality and Safety of Fishery Products

FPIK. Monday, March 20, 2023 the UNDIP FPIK Cooperation Agreement was implemented with the Fish Quarantine Agency, Quality Control and Fishery Product Safety (BKIPM). The signing of the collaboration was carried out by Prof. Tri and Mr. Sokhib as Head of BKIPM Semarang and attended by all BKIPM staff. The aim of this collaboration is the Development of Science in the Field of Fish Quarantine, Quality and Safety of Fishery Products.

The scope of the cooperation includes:

  • Increasing the capacity of marine and fisheries human resources in supporting independent learning – independent campus
  • Development of research in the field of fish diseases, quality and safety of fishery products
  • Exchange of data and information    Dissemination and awareness (public awareness) together in the field of fish quarantine, quality and safety of fishery products.