Successful and Fun: Aquaculture Business Day X Storia Aquatica 2023
FPIK, SEMARANG – On Wednesday 29th November 2023, The Aquaculture Study Program of Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK) Diponegoro University (Undip) held the Aquaculture Business Day X Storia Aquatiqa activity in front of the FPIK Undip Auditorium. This activity aims to train the entrepreneurial skills of FPIK Undip students. There were so many stands that enlivened the Aquaculture Business Day event such as the patin & shrimp kebab stand, shrimp dimsum, ebifuray, mayosearolls, dipang.co, fishtory, risol.lumerr, pakies_id, kish ice bite, and little island.
The event was opened by the student art performance and was introduced by Prof. Agus Trianto, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. as the Vice Dean of Academic and Student Affairs of FPIK Undip. He hopes that in the future this event can continue to grow and be carried out by all study programs at FPIK Undip. The enthusiasm of the visitors was very high, it could be seen from the academic community of FPIK and the general public from PAUD Mutiara Hati. (Adm)