[Undip, UGM, IPB and ITB Meeting with Pukyong National University (PKNU) – South Korea]

[Undip, UGM, IPB and ITB Meeting with Pukyong National University (PKNU) – South Korea]

Jakarta, January 18, 2024

Representatives from the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Diponegoro University, Dr. Aninditia Sabdaningsih, S.Si, M.Si as the Head of the Master and Doctoral Study Program in Aquatic Resources Management had the opportunity to attend an invitation from the Marine Technology Cooperation Research Center (MTCRC). The activity took place on Thursday, January 18, 2024 located at the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment Building, Central Jakarta.

Cooperation between the Government of Korea and Indonesia in the form of Official Development Assistance (ODA) Project entitled ‘Establishing Integrated Ocean Fisheries Technology Training Center and Enhancing Capacity Building in Indonesia’, which has been going on since June 6, 2023 started one of its implementations by organizing a Master’s level scholarship program in Indonesia and Korean Doctorate. On this occasion, as one of the scholarship organizing universities, Pukyong National University (PKNU).

Together with the Korea-Indonesia Marine Technology Cooperation Research Center (MTCRC), held a discussion meeting in order to create a forum that facilitates the exchange of information related to the curriculum in the field of fisheries applied in universities in Indonesia.

In addition to Undip, representatives from several universities were present including the Dean of the Faculty of Earth Science and Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB); Dean of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB); Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Gajah Mada University (UGM).


The 95th Mother’s Day Commemoration in FPIK Undip

The 95th Mother’s Day Commemoration in FPIK Undip

FPIK, SEMARANG – Wednesday (17/1) The 95th Mother’s Day commemoration at the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FPIK) Diponegoro University has been successfully held. Located in the Hall Building of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science Undip, the event was organized by the Dharma Wanita Persatuan (DWP) FPIK Undip and attended by lecturers and female academic staff of FPIK Undip, as well as several invited guests. Carrying the theme “Perempuan Hebat, Keluarga Sehat, Kuat, dan Bermartabat ” this event aims to celebrate the important role of women in families and society.

The Mother’s Day commemoration event also invited Dr. Ir. Widodo Farid Ma’ruf, M.Sc. as a talk show speaker. The event began with a karaoke competition with representatives from six departments and academic staff, where each of the participants sang a song of their choice related to the theme of Mother’s Day. Furthermore, there was also a fashion show competition and the selected participants demonstrated their catwalk skills with their beautiful Kebaya dresses. The event then continued with remarks from the Vice Chairperson of Dharma Wanita Persatuan FPIK Undip, the Head of the Committee, and Prof. Ir. Tri Winarni Agustini, M.Sc., Ph.D., as the Dean of FPIK Undip.

Before the talk show began, there was a special and melodious performance from the DWP FPIK Choir group. After the choir performance, it was time for the talk show session by Dr. Farid, who discussed toxins in processed foods and their impact on the body. He provided education & tips on detoxifying toxins in the body. The highlight of the event was marked by the awarding of scholarships, announcement of the winners of karaoke and fashion show competitions, distribution of door prizes and finally closed with a group photo session. This event not only provides entertainment, but also education and strengthens togetherness in the academic environment of FPIK Undip. (Adm)

FPIK Undip Facilitates Audience Meeting to Support Efforts to Improve Shrimp Cultivation in Karimunjawa

FPIK Undip Facilitates Audience Meeting to Support Efforts to Improve Shrimp Cultivation in Karimunjawa

On Friday (5/1), an Audience Meeting for the Development of Shrimp Farming Groups in Karimunjawa was held at the Dean’s Building of FPIK Undip. The event was attended by representatives from Undip’s Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, KKP Central Java, Indonesian Aquaculture Society (MAI), Indonesian Shrimp Forum (FUI), and Shrimp Club Indonesia (SCI) in an audience meeting that aimed to improve shrimp farming in the region. The Indonesian Aquaculture Society (MAI) is a national non-profit and independent aquaculture professional organization with more than 1400 members and/or institutions spread throughout Indonesia. MAI members come from various professional elements of society such as researchers, lecturers, producers, business people, government and private employees, organizations or associations, etc. Meanwhile, FUI is an organization of stakeholders from various associations, agencies, and supply chain actors including SCI, an organization where shrimp farmers in Indonesia gather.

The audience meeting began with an opening from the MAI representative who was also the moderator of the event. Then followed by an opening speech from Prof. Ir. Tri Winarni Agustini, M.Sc., Ph.D., as the Dean of FPIK Undip who expressed her hope that this meeting could be a forum for exchanging opinions related to the problems faced by shrimp farmers in Karimunjawa. The meeting was held with full interaction between all parties, where each party shared experiences, knowledge and data that are relevant to the current issues. By holding an audience meeting between academics, government and aquaculture experts, it is expected to create a discussion that has a positive impact on the environment and society, especially shrimp farmers in Karimunjawa. (Adm)



FPIK, SEMARANG – Wednesday (12/12) located at the Prof. Soedarto S.H. Building, Undip Tembalang, the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science of Diponegoro University made another achievement by inaugurating two new professors, Prof. Agus Trianto, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. and Prof. Dr. Anindya Wirasatriya, S.T., M.Si., M.Sc.


Prof. Agus delivered an inaugural speech entitled “Bioactive Materials from Marine Organisms: Development as Probiotics”. Indonesia has the world’s largest marine biodiversity. Marine organisms generally produce bioactive ingredients as a form of chemical adaptation to the environment to survive. Exploration results from marine avertebrates produce bioactive compounds. However, the emergence of new diseases and pathogens that are multidrug resistance (MDR) triggers the search for new drugs. MDR cases do not only occur in cancer cells, bacteria, fungi, and viruses that attack humans, but also in pathogens that attack livestock and fish.


“Currently, the biggest challenge faced by shrimp farmers is disease caused by pathogenic bacteria of the Vibrio genus. One of the results of the exploration of sponge-associated microorganisms has the property of inhibiting the growth of various Vibrio bacterial species. The isolate is the fungus Trichoderma reesei SL.3.SP3.3 sponge association Monanchora sp., developed into probiotics that can suppress the Vibrio population in ponds so as to increase shrimp production”, he explained.


Meanwhile, Prof. Anin delivered an inaugural speech entitled “Utilization of Extreme Upwelling of Cold Sea Water (ALaDin) in Alor Kecil Waters, Alor Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province in the Development of Blue Economy in the Field of Marine Tourism”. Upwelling is the event of lifting the mass of sea water from the inside to the surface.This process will cause a decrease in sea surface temperature (SST) in waters ranging from 2-4°C. In the waters of Alor Kecil, precisely in the Kumbang Mouth Strait, Alor Island, there is an extreme upwelling phenomenon characterized by a drastic decrease in SPL to reach > 10°C so it is called the cold sea water phenomenon (ALaDin). The minimum SPL due to this extreme upwelling can reach 12°C which makes this phenomenon the only one in the world because it is not found in any tropical region.


“The extreme upwelling event in the waters of Alor Kecil has the potential to be developed into a world-class tourism event because of its uniqueness. The drop in temperature during extreme upwelling makes the fish along the Kumbang Mouth Strait faint, attracting dolphins to come and prey on the fish. Therefore, tourists can enjoy the sensation of cold water, catch fish with an empty net and see pods of dolphins.This is an opportunity to develop Si ALaDin (IoT Monitoring System and Cold Seawater Forecasting) so that the community and stake holders can monitor the SPL in real time and can know the ALaDin event in advance so that it can be managed to be able to create world-class tourism events and become the 6th super priority destination,” he said. (Adm)

FPIK Undip Establishes Cooperation with PT. BERSAMA BANGUN PANGAN

FPIK Undip Establishes Cooperation with PT. BERSAMA BANGUN PANGAN

FPIK, Semarang – Thursday (7/12) Prof. Ir. Tri Winarni Agustini, M.Sc, Ph.D. as the Dean of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Diponegoro University has signed a Cooperation Agreement between FPIK Undip and PT BERSAMA BANGUN PANGAN represented by dr. H. Naswidi as the commissioner of PT BERSAMA BANGUN PANGAN. The signing of this collaboration was carried in the midst of the dismissal meeting of the National Seminar Activity committee, ICTCRED 2022 and ITroSCo 2023 as well as the formation of the next ICTCRED and ITroSCo activity committees in 2024. Located at the Auditorium of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Diponegoro University, the signing was attended by the ICTCRED and ITroSCo activity committees, as well as officials from the FPIK Undip and partners.

This cooperation agreement involves six study programs at FPIK Undip, including: Aquaculture, Aquatic Resources Management, Capture Fisheries, Marine Science, Oceanography, and Fishery Product Technology with scopes including:

  1. Study program curriculum development
  2. Provision of teaching staff, field supervisors and practitioner elements from the business world and industry
  3. Preparation of field work practice sites and/or apprenticeships
  4. Provision of supervisors or supervisors of field and final assignments
  5. Provision of laboratories
  6. Development of science and technology through research, workshops, seminars, focus group discussions, and others. (Adm)



Nurturing Spirituality through FPIK Bersholawat

Nurturing Spirituality through FPIK Bersholawat

FPIK, SEMARANG -​​ Al-Bahrain as one of the Student Activity Units from FPIK Undip held an event entitled FPIK Bersholawat which took place at the Diponegoro University Campus Mosque, Sunday (3/12). This event is the closing of a series of projects carried out by Al-Bahrain. Carrying the theme “Harmoni Kebaikan Lautan Iman”, this event was attended by the general public who wanted to listen to the material presented by Habib Ja’far Shodiq and M. Atiatul Muqtadir who is the chairman of BEM KM UGM 2019 or commonly known as Mas Fathur. The Rector of Diponegoro University for 2024-2029, Prof. Dr. Suharnomo, S.E., M.Si. also took the time to attend the event as a form of support from the University for student activities.

The event began with remarks from Zuhaimi as the head organizer, and Al-Bahrain advisor, Dr. Kunarso S.T., M.Si. which was then followed by shalawat together guided by Ready UKM. Furthermore, there was lecture material from Habib Ja’far and Mas Fathur which became the center of attention of the participants.

In the event, Habib Ja’far and Mas Fathur presented very interesting material about the harmony of goodness and faith that can encourage participants to get closer to Allah SWT. The material was delivered in a way that was easy to understand so that some participants felt closer to Allah SWT and understood more about Islam. It is hoped that by holding this event, it can increase spirituality for the participants, especially the FPIK Undip academic community who have participated in the event. (Adm)