Joint Tarawih Prayer in FPIK Undip: Understanding the Blessings of Ramadan

Joint Tarawih Prayer in FPIK Undip: Understanding the Blessings of Ramadan

Tuesday (3/26) The Joint Tarawih Prayer and Sermon were successfully held at the Auditorium Building of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Diponegoro University. On this occasion, FPIK Undip together with the Vice Rector 4, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ambariyanto, M.Sc., took the turn as shohibul bait for the Joint Tarawih Prayer and Sermon event which were attended by all Undip academic members, namely the rector, vice rector, deans, vice deans, lecturers, staff, and students. This activity is held every Monday to Thursday during the holy month of Ramadan and is carried out alternately by all faculties and work units at Undip.
The event began with doing congregational isha prayer then continued with Tarawih and witr prayers led by Drs. KH Anasom, M.Hum., the Chairman of PCNU Semarang City. After completing the prayers, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ambariyanto, M.Sc. as the representative of FPIK as well as the Vice Rector 4 gave a brief speech to the audience who attended the Tarawih prayer at FPIK. The event was then continued by Drs. KH Anasom, M.Hum., who preached a sermon related to the topic of the current theme entitled “The Blessings of the Ramadan Month”.
He said that according to related hadith, in this holy month of Ramadan, there are five blessings that can only be obtained specifically in the month of Ramadan. The first is that Allah SWT sees his people who are busy fasting at the beginning of Ramadan. The second, the smell of the mouth of the fasting person is considered by Allah SWT as musk perfume. The third is the angels will pray for us and ask forgiveness for us from Allah SWT. Fourth, Allah SWT will order the guardians of heaven to open the doors of Allah’s paradise for His servants. Then the last blessing is our sins will be forgiven by Allah SWT. KH Anasom advised that Muslims should make the most of the holy month of Ramadan because it is at this special time that Allah SWT the Most Merciful open the door of heavens. Despite the heavy rain that were pouring for quite a while, the congregation remained solemn in doing prayers and listening to the sermon. After the sermon ended, the event was closed by saying Alhamdulillah together and taking a group photo. It is hoped that we will always get abundant blessings from Allah SWT in this special month. (Adm)

The Ministry for Marine Affairs and Fisheries Visits FPIK Undip to Discuss Study Assigments

The Ministry for Marine Affairs and Fisheries Visits FPIK Undip to Discuss Study Assigments

FPIK, SEMARANG – Friday (8/3) FPIK, SEMARANG – On Friday (8/3), the Centre for Marine and Fisheries Education visited the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science of Diponegoro University, Tembalang Campus, Semarang. This visit was held in order to discuss the implementation of study assignments for Civil Servants of The Ministry for Marine Affairs and Fisheries. This coordination is also to monitor the civil servants of The Ministry for Marine Affairs and Fisheries who are studying at FPIK Undip and to complete the signing of scholarship payment documents consisting of Work Orders (SPK), Record of Transfer (BAST), Official Report of Payment (BAP) and Payment Receipts.
The arrival of the Ministry for Marine Affairs and Fisheries represented by Wawan Kuncoro, S.St. Pi and Fatima Inamunjita were welcomed by FPIK Undip represented by Prof. Ir. Tri Winarni Agustini as Dean, Prof. Agus Trianto, ST., M.Sc., Ph.D as Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, Dr. Aninditia Sabdaningsih, S.Si., M.Si and Dr. Drs. Subagiyo, M.Si. as the Heads of the FPIK Undip Postgraduate Study Programs. KKP representatives hope that the learning process of civil servants who are continuing their study at FPIK Undip can run smoothly. “We hope that the students from KKP can do their studies smoothly and graduate on time. We also hope that in the future there will be more civil servants of KKP that choose to continue their studies at FPIK Undip,” said Prof. Tri. (Adm)

FPIK Students’ Japan Internship Journey

FPIK Students’ Japan Internship Journey

On 22 and 23 February 2024, eight students from the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FPIK) Diponegoro University flew to Japan to undergo an internship program at several companies in Japan for two semesters. This internship program is not only a bold step, but also a great and huge opportunity for students to develop themselves in an international work environment. This departure also marks the continuation of the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) internship program which has been implemented by FPIK Undip for the past few years.

The eight students who left for internships in Japan are students from the Fishery Product Technology (THP) and Marine Science study programs. They undergo internships at Japanese companies that focus on the field of shellfish cultivation and seafood processing. During their internships at several companies in Japan, FPIK Undip students will be able to learn directly from leading industry practitioners in their fields. Several months before departure, the students had undergone intensive Japanese language training, provided by LPK Kokorono Siji as part of their preparation before entering the work environment in Japan.

The departure of these eight students is the beginning of other upcoming departures of other FPIK students to Japan, who have also successfully passed the internship selection in Japan. With this internship program, students are expected to apply the knowledge they get and gain valuable experience in the international fisheries and marine industry. The hope of the university and faculty is that the MBKM internship program to Japan can be sustainable and successful, so that later students can return to Indonesia and contribute optimally to the advancement of the fisheries and marine sector in the country.

Cooperation Agreement between FPIK Undip and BBPI Semarang

Cooperation Agreement between FPIK Undip and BBPI Semarang

FPIK, SEMARANG – On Wednesday (21/2), the Dean of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Diponegoro University (FPIK Undip) Prof. Ir. Tri Winarni Agustini, M.Sc., Ph.D accompanied by the Vice Dean 2, Prof. Dr. Aristi Dian Purnama Fitri, S.Pi., M.Si. has signed a Cooperation Agreement between FPIK Undip and Semarang Fishing Center (BBPI) of the Directorate General of Capture Fisheries of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries represented by Dr. Bagus Oktori Sutrisno, A. Pi, MM. Located in the Dean’s Building of FPIK Undip, the signing of this collaboration is an extension of the collaboration that has been going on since 2020.
Unlike the collaboration that took place in the previous 3 (three) years, this collaboration has longer duration and cover more scope of cooperation, one of which is cooperation in terms of providing internship opportunities or field work practices for FPIK students at BPPI in order to support the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) programme.
By signing this collaboration, it is hoped that the collaboration between FPIK Undip and BBPI will be more solid and beneficial for both parties. This step is an important step in developing human resources in the fisheries and marine sector and strengthening the relationship between institutions. The event was marked by a group photo moment as a symbol of a shared commitment to achieve better goals for the future of Indonesian fisheries. (Adm)

FPIK Visits Indonesia’s Largest Shrimp Ponds

FPIK Visits Indonesia’s Largest Shrimp Ponds

FPIK, SEMARANG – Tuesday (13/2) As an effort to initiate collaboration with the Directorate General of Aquaculture of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, the representatives of Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FPIK) of Diponegoro University visited the Area-Based Shrimp Cultivation Pond (BUBK) in Kebumen, Central Java. The Dean of FPIK Undip, Prof. Ir. Tri Winarni Agustini, M.Sc., Ph.D., Prof. Dr. Ir. Sri Rejeki, M.Sc and Prof. Dr. Ir. Suradi, M.S., were present as representatives of FPIK Undip during this visit. The arrival of the Dean of FPIK and staff to BUBK-KKP Kebumen was warmly welcomed by Agung as representatives of the Kebumen Regency Government, and the Head of the Production Division of BUBK-KKP Kebumen, Maskar Jayadi and his staff.
In addition to initiating collaboration, the visit was also an opportunity to share knowledge on optimal shrimp farming practices while still paying attention to environmental sustainability. BUBK Kebumen is the largest shrimp farm in Indonesia with 100 hectares of land, which was built through a collaboration between KKP and the Kebumen local government. BUBK Kebumen’s shrimp farm is a national pilot project of modern, area-based shrimp farms intended for local shrimp farmers, especially the shrimp farming industry, which is also supported by good infrastructure such as reservoirs, wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), laboratories, feed warehouses, production warehouses, offices and employee mess. Hopefully, this visit can be an inspiration for FPIK to be able to help develop the shrimp farming industry optimally starting from the cultivation process, harvesting, to post-harvest. (Adm)



Friday (19/1) An aerobics exercise activity was successfully held at the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Undip, Tembalang. This activity was attended by Undip academic members, namely deans, lecturers, stake holders, and staff who enthusiastically participated in the workout session. This positive activity is a regular activity of the University which is held every Friday and is carried out alternately by all faculties at Undip as an effort to maintain the health of Undip academic members. The aerobics exercise guided by professional gymnastics instructors, who guide the participants with energetic and fun movements.
Although the weather was drizzling for a bit, it did not affect the enthusiasm of the participants. After the exercise finished, the event continued with remarks from the Dean of FPIK, Prof. Ir. Tri Winarni Agustini, M.Sc., Ph.D., and Prof. Dr. Suharnomo, S.E., M.Si., as Vice Rector 1 of Diponegoro University. Both expressed their appreciation for the activity and participation in the event, emphasizing the importance of maintaining the spirit of togetherness within Diponegoro University. The highlight of the event was marked by a group photo session, and continued with breakfast time, where participants could enjoy the dishes that had been prepared, creating a warm and intimate atmosphere of togetherness among Undip’s academic community. (Adm)