Times Higher Education Asia University Rankings 2021: UNDIP is ranked 6th in Indonesia

Times Higher Education Asia University Rankings 2021: UNDIP is ranked 6th in Indonesia

FPIK, SEMARANG -​ Times Higher Education (THE) again issued ranking results for the Asian level in early June 2021. The results put Diponegoro University (UNDIP) in 6th position in Indonesia and 401+ in Asia. The Times Higher Education Asia University Rankings 2021 uses 13 performance indicators that are also used to carry out a global ranking by providing specially calibrated weights to reflect the priorities of educational institutions in Asia.

The strict assessment carried out by THE made only 9 universities in Indonesia that managed to enter the rankings based on the ranking order, namely the University of Indonesia, Bandung Institute of Technology, Surabaya Institute of Technology, Gadjah Mada University, Bogor Agricultural University, Diponegoro University, Padjadjaran University, Telkom University and Brawijaya University. University of Indonesia is in the top position with a total score of 32,9. THE assesses 13 performance indicators covering four main missions of higher education, namely teaching, research, transfer of knowledge to the wider community and international engagement. This year, UNDIP managed to achieve a fairly high score on citations and research.

UNDIP is in the 401+ position with an overall range of 12,9-21,6 and an overall calculation of 19,8. Citation 15; industrial income (transfer of knowledge to the industrial world); 43,2, international outlook (calculated based on the ratio of the number of teachers, students, foreign staff and international cooperation) 26,5; research 12,8 and teaching 24,9.

The Head of the UNDIP Rating Office, Prof. Dr. Denny Nugroho, ST., M.Si, said that THE refers to the order of letters (alphabet) for the group with the same range, namely 401+ with an overall score of 12,9-21,6. Meanwhile, if the data is calculated and analyzed based on the Citation (30%), Industry income (7,5%), International outlook (7,5%), Research (30%), Teaching (25%), then the total score of UNDIP is 19,8 so that it ranks 6th nationally. 

“We have done the calculations and sorted based on the total score. If we are not careful and careful we can misinterpret it. Some media usually only look at the order on the website to see the ranking order,” said Prof. Denny Nugroho, Sunday (6/6/2021).

The current ranking results are one of the important references used by students and their families in choosing a university. The government and universities also use THE ranking results as a reference for various policies. The high need for ranking results is evidenced by the high number of visits to the THE World University Rankings website, where in a year the number of visits reaches almost 30 million.

UNDIP Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, SH., M.Hum, emphasized that the university he currently leads continues to make improvements so that the qualifications of graduates and their learning process are getting better and in accordance with the goals outlined. “We continue to encourage the qualifications of lecturers with the one professor one candidate program. For research, not only lecturers and researchers who continue to produce reputable scientific works, we also encourage and facilitate students so that they can produce innovative works that are beneficial to the community, “said Prof. Yos Johan.

University performance is important in preparing superior human resources, as well as developing knowledge. As an illustration of how important it is to strengthen higher education institutions, the Japanese government announced plans to increase the allocation of an endowment fund of £70 billion for research at universities in response to the rising performance of public universities’ rankings which had fallen in recent years. (Adm, Dhany and Tim Humas)

Three Student Diver FPIK UNDIP Search for Drowning Victims in Kedung Ombo Reservoir to Received Appreciation from the Rector

Three Student Diver FPIK UNDIP Search for Drowning Victims in Kedung Ombo Reservoir to Received Appreciation from the Rector

FPIK, SEMARANG – The sinking of the boat in the Kedung Ombo Reservoir, Kemusu District, Boyolali Regency has attracted a sense of humanity for everyone. One of them is three students from the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FPIK) Diponegoro University (UNDIP). They are Abat (23) Nabil (20), and Zigro (23) who are members of the UKSA-387 (Water Dive Activity Unit) UNDIP.

On Sunday (16/5/2021) at 09.30 WIB, Abat and Nabil dived at the location of the tour boat reversing, while Zigro was on standby on the mainland of the reservoir area to monitor and communicate with his two colleagues during the dive. Diving in the Kedung Ombo Reservoir was the first experience in a Search and Rescue operation to search for drowned victims.

The FPIK UNDIP student told that he first received news from a UKSA senior who is currently working with SAR in the Central Java region to join SAR operations in Kedung Ombo. At the time of the incident, Central Java SARDA was in need of divers to search for drowning victims.

Photo: Three FPIK UNDIP students who are members of UKSA-387 are involved in a search and rescue operation for drowning victims in the Kedung Ombo Reservoir. (Source: iNewsJateng.id)

Nabil and Abat did a dive for about 25 minutes at a depth of 25 meters. “At a depth of 15 meters to the surface the visibility is not good, then during the dive we followed the tide path at the bottom, at that moment we found a small child’s hood, which was gray,” said Nabil. “But we also don’t know whether the veil belonged to the victim,” added this Marine Science Study Program student. “So the relationship with SAR has been a long time. Especially with regard to evacuation in the waters, from the Central Java SAR Team, we are often involved, “explained Nabil. When the Lion Air plane crashed on October 29, 2018, in the Java Sea north of Karawang, West Java, UKSA-387 also sent personnel there. “We dispatched members there. In fact, very often we have participated in rescue and search activities.”

Photo: SAR team activities together with UKSA-387 in the search for drowning victims in the reservoir area. (Source: UKSA-387)

Hearing the stories of these three FPIK UNDIP students, UNDIP’s Rector, Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H., M.Hum, gave his appreciation to the students who were members of the UKSA-387 Student Activity Unit (UKM). The action carried out by UKSA-387 personnel was seen by the Rector as a concern for humanitarian problems and should be used as an example.

As a token of appreciation, Thursday (27/5/2021) the Rector gave an official certificate from UNDIP which declared them “Heroes of Humanity”. The charter was given directly by the Rector to Muhammad Ramadhan (S1 Oceanography 2016), Bariq Nabil Ramadhan (S1 Marine Science 2018) and Zigro Taqwagie (S1 Ocean Science 2019).

Photo: Three FPIK UNDIP students receiving an award from the Rector of Diponegoro University.

In his statement, Prof. Yos praised the actions taken by the members of UKSA-387 UNDIP. “The university appreciates what you do. Because they are more concerned with the safety of other people’s souls. You have a soul that cares for others. As the Chancellor, I thank you for setting a good example to other students and others, “said the Rector.

The Rector said that all student and lecturer activities in the humanitarian sector were a concrete form of UNDIP’s Tri Dharma to the community. Therefore, the university always supports and encourages the academic community to carry out social and humanitarian actions.

UKSA-387 UNDIP was founded in March 1987. Currently, the number of active members is around 25 people. There are five specializations in this UKM forum, namely scientific diving (diving activities related to science), underwater photography, underwater work (related to commercial workers), SAR, and championships (athletes). UKSA members all have diving licenses.

For training, especially related to SAR, it was carried out by seniors. “We are trained to find victims in the water, first rescue victims found, and so on.” So the team gets used to helping accidents in the water, ”said Zigro. Meanwhile, Nabil added, if every time you take part in evacuating victims in the waters, UKSA-387 has its own tools. “We have our own diving equipment, when we get a call, we prepare our own equipment.” We also have our own base camp. However, there is no rubber boat. If in the field, there is a SAR team, so we use their ships, “said Nabil who is also the Deputy Chairperson of UKSA-387.

For practice, the team has a continuous schedule. Usually, the team trains in the Kodam IV / Diponegoro swimming pool and also in a number of waters. UKSA membership is open to Undip students from all faculties. Quoted from manunggal.undip.ac.id, the birth of UKM UKSA-387 was due to the great desire and curiosity as well as the strong spirit of adventure under water. The first UKSA-387 alumni were Gatot (Faculty of Law), Antok (FPIK), Rifki (Faculty of Medicine) & several students from the Civil Engineering Department, who agreed to form a diving UKM.

In these early days, almost every month UKSA-387 held expeditions to various islands in Java such as the Karimunjawa Islands, Nusa Kambangan Island, Bawean Island, and the Thousand Islands. Expeditions are also often carried out outside Java, such as in Sanur, Nusa Penida on the island of Bali, and Gili Air, Trawangan, Meno, Sugiri, and East Lombok, on the island of Lombok. (Adm & Tim Humas)

The Study Program of Fisheries Product Technology UNDIP Produces Quality Graduates

The Study Program of Fisheries Product Technology UNDIP Produces Quality Graduates

FPIK, SEMARANG – The Fisheries Product Technology (THP) Study Program of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK) Diponegoro University (UNDIP) is committed to producing a profile of COMPLETE qualified graduates with Level 6 KKNI (Indonesian National Qualification Framework) and SKPI (Certificate of Companion Certificate) that are trusted.

As a university with a legal entity, UNDIP does not only try to produce students who are independent, capable and strong in science; UNDIP’s identity is also embodied in the COMPLETE graduate profile.

The conception of the COMPLETE profile is the target that Diponegoro Campus wants to achieve to produce graduates who are able to communicate well orally and in writing (Communicator), Professional (work according to principles, development based on achievement and uphold the code of ethics), have a leadership spirit, are proactive and can motivating and collaborating (Leader), possessing entrepreneurial skills, being innovative, independent (Entrepreneur), as well as being a thinker who always thinks critically, continues to learn and research; and able to act as an agent of change (Educator).

Head of the THP FPIK UNDIP Study Program, Prof. Dr. Ir. Eko Nurcahya Dewi, M.Sc, stated that the commitment to produce graduates with a COMPLETE profile applies to all study programs at the Diponegoro Campus. For the THP Study Program, in addition to being recognized as Level 6 KKNI, SKPI is also given to graduates. “SKPI or Diploma Supplement is an official statement letter containing information about the academic achievements or qualifications of a graduate higher education degree issued by the tertiary institution. SKPI is not a certificate, but it can help the holder to get recognition or recognition, “said Eko Nurcahya Dewi, Thursday (6/5/2021).

She emphasized that the SKPI is an additional document, not a substitute for a diploma. As for the information contained in it, in addition to academic achievements, there is also a description of the learning outcomes of graduates at the KKNI level that are relevant and in a standard format that is easily understood by the general public. “Indeed, SKPI is not a document that automatically holds the holder of recognition, but it will help identify the profile of graduates and their qualifications,” She added.

Foto: Practical activities of students of the Fisheries Product Technology Study Program, FPIK UNDIP

THP FPIK UNDIP Study Program, which was established in 2002, since 2012 has received an A accreditation from BAN PT (National Accreditation Board for Higher Education). Determination of the latest accreditation status based on Decree No. 5053/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/XII/2017 which is valid until 27 December 2022.

Seeing the abundance of Indonesia’s marine resources, both animals and plants that come from catches and cultivation, the THP UNDIP Study Program intensively conducts research on fish, shrimp, seaweed, mangroves and other organisms so that they can be used as raw materials for high-value products. able to compete in the global market. “Our research covers fishery products, both food and non-food products. The scope of fishery products is very broad, not only for food products, there are pharmaceutical products, handicrafts and the use of their waste,” She said.

The implementation of teaching and research in the THP Study Program is supported by lecturers consisting of 3 professors, 3 doctors, 3 doctoral candidates and 7 masters. The teaching and learning process is also supported by the availability of a complete laboratory, namely a processing laboratory, a production and packaging laboratory, a quality analysis laboratory and a microbiology laboratory. There is also an integrated UNDIP laboratory in Semarang, and a fishing industry mini plant at the Marine Science Technopark UNDIP Teluk Awur, Jepara.

Currently, the THP FPIK UNDIP Study Program is implementing the Free Merdeka Learning Curriculum Program, such as a Teaching Campus. In this context, every student’s off-campus activity will be converted to courses in the study program. The latest curriculum in use today is the result of an evaluation of the previous curriculum based on input from existing stakeholders. “The curriculum is always updated every 5 years to suit the demands of users or stakeholders,” She said. (Tim Humas UNDIP)

Prof Tri Winarni: Exposing Masculine Impressions in FPIK UNDIP

Prof Tri Winarni: Exposing Masculine Impressions in FPIK UNDIP

FPIK, SEMARANG – The momentum of the appointment of Prof. Ir Tri Winarni Agustini M.Sc, Ph.D as Dean of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK) Diponegoro University (UNDIP) for the 2019-2024 period seems to reveal the impression that the world of fisheries and marine is the world of men. At least the masculine impression in the fisheries and marine higher education environment dissipated when the UNDIP Rector, Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, took Prof. Winarni’s oath as the first person in FPIK.

The transfer of leadership from Prof. Dr. Ir Agus Sabdono M.Sc to Prof. Tri Winarni Agustini which took place at the SA-MWA Building (Academic Senate-Board of Trustees) of UNDIP Tembalang, Monday (05/08/2019) was also recorded as the presence of the first woman in Dean Chair of FPIK UNDIP. “If I become the first woman to become a Dean since FPIK UNDIP was born, that is true. But if the presence of women in the world of fisheries and marine affairs, especially in their scientific context, I think it is common, ”said the Fish Processing Technology expert who was born in Kebumen, August 21, 1965.

After graduating from SMA Negeri 1 Kebumen, in 1984 Winarni entered the Department of Fisheries at the Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries, UNDIP. After earning an engineering degree in 1989, young Winarni chose to serve at her alma mater as a lecturer. This choice gave him the opportunity to study at a higher level.

In 1991 she had the opportunity to study at the University of Humberside, England and completed the Master of Food Science and Technology program in 1993. As for the Strata 3 level was undertaken at the Tokyo University of Fisheries-TUF (now Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology-TUMSAT), Japan and successfully bagged a Ph.D (Doctor of Philosophy) in 2001. “Further studies abroad are interesting. But we also have to be aware of the many challenges that must be faced, ”she said, reminding us of the need to get used to seeing one thing from several sides.

SHe achieved the highest achievement for an academic position as a professor in December 2017 and on Wednesday (14/3/2018) Tri Winarni was confirmed as a Professor at FPIK UNDIP. The scientific speech with the theme “Future Food Products Based on Fish Resources” which he presented at the Open Senate Session at Prof. Soedarto SH Building, UNDIP Tembalang Campus, marked the validity of using the title Prof. in front of her name.

Apparently, it is not only the academic career of the authors of dozens of scientific journals and reviewers of these journals. Her structural career at the Diponegoro Campus has also progressed well. Before being sworn in to become Dean of FPIK for the 2019-2024 period, the owner of NIDN (National Lecturer Number) 0021086501 was entrusted with being the Secretary of the PSP Study Program (Utilization of Fishery Resources, now a Capture Fisheries Study Program) in 2001-2003; then became Secretary of the THP (Fishery Product Technology) Study Program in the 2003 – 2007 period; in 2007-2010 he became an expert staff of the Research Institute and in 2016-2019 assumed the mandate as Secretary of the LPPM (Institute for Research and Community Service) UNDIP.

Now, as the first person in FPIK who manages 10 study programs and has the resources of 19 professors and 55 lecturers with doctoral degrees, Prof. Winarni who is also active in the field of Halal Food (representative of the Center for Halal Studies UNDIP) strives so that not only the quality of education and accreditation is superior , but also must strive so that the existing study programs are better known and closer to the community. Tri Winarni, who lived from childhood to adolescence in the southern coastal region of Java, invited young people to plunge into managing the enormous potential of Indonesia’s seas and waters for mutual welfare.

“Who should manage the potential of our oceans and waters if not the nation’s children? How come we want to let foreigners enjoy our marine wealth? Our sea is very rich, wide and sufficient for the welfare of our nation’s citizens, ”She said excitedly.

Foto: Prof. Ir. Tri Winarni Agustini, M.Sc., Ph.D.

She explained, FPIK UNDIP is a campus that is ready to educate young people to study fisheries and marine affairs. In the undergraduate program, there are six study programs that can be selected, starting from the Aquaculture Study Program, the Aquatic Resources Management Study Program, the Oceanography Study Program, the Capture Fisheries Study Program, the Fisheries Product Technology Study Program, and the Marine Science Study Program. “For the undergraduate level, we are quite complete. It should be noted, the Oceanography Study Program is only at UNDIP and ITB, “She said.

For the postgraduate level, at the Masters level there is a Master Program in Marine Science and a Masters in Aquatic Resources Management. Meanwhile, at the S3 level there is a Doctoral Program in Aquatic Resources Management and a Doctoral Program in Marine Science. To be sure, as the organizer of higher education, FPIK Undip also conducts a lot of research on fisheries and marine, both independently and in collaboration with other parties. FPIK also has a Scopus indexed scientific journal, namely the IJMS Journal (Indonesian Journal of Marine Science) as well as several nationally accredited journals (Sinta 2 and 3) to be proud of.

In the context of strengthening students’ insights, FPIK also always holds public lectures from highly competent speakers. Among them by inviting several experts from government agencies, practitioners as well as diaspora practitioners such as the Head of the Center for Hydrography and Oceanography of the Indonesian Navy (Kapushidrosal), Rear Admiral of the TNI Dr. Ir Harjo Susmoro SSos SH MH, Prof. Irwandi Jaswir, to provide understanding and additional insight and introduction the real world in the industry to students related to the development of science in the fields of fisheries and marine

“Cooperation with all institutions, both government and private, is a concrete step to bring the academic world closer to reality. Especially in the era of information technology that is so fast whacking. Synergy and collaboration are a necessity, “She said while pointing out some of the impacts of the disruption in the digital world.

Asked about the program during her tenure as Dean of FPIK, improving academic quality, be it teaching, research and community service is a priority that cannot be negotiated. Quality is not only the curriculum and supporting facilities such as an updated laboratory; but also accreditation as a form of legal recognition must be achieved. “We strive so that all study programs at FPIK have superior accreditation from national and international institutions. Currently we are pioneering ASIIN international accreditation for IK, Oceanography and Aquaculture Study Programs. Hopefully this year or next year can be achieved. Building more partnerships with foreign universities is also important. Our direction is clear, contributes significantly to bringing UNDIP into World Class University, “She concluded. (Tim Humas UNDIP)

Four Doctor of Marine Science UNDIP Received Perfect GPA

Four Doctor of Marine Science UNDIP Received Perfect GPA

FPIK, SEMARANG – (Source: Jatengdaily.com) Four Graduates of the Doctor of Marine Science Program at the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FPIK), Diponegoro University (UNDIP) who were confirmed at the 161st Graduation have achieved perfect results with a Grade Point Average of 4.0. The perfect score also includes scientific papers in the form of a dissertation which he compiled as an academic work.

The four graduates of the Marine Science undergraduate program who achieved perfect scores were Retno Hartarti, Lilik Maslukah, R Baskoro Rochaddi and Sugeng Widada. The scientific work that they produce besides having to be tested in front of a board of examiners, is also published in international scientific journals.

Retno Hartati wrote a dissertation written in English about the stability of the new ecosystem. Dr Ir Retno Hartati MSc made a dissertation entitled “Sea ranching of Holothuria atra: Study on the establishment of new ecosystems and its relation with their feeding ecology”. During the study, Retno Hartati produced 3 publications in reputable international journals, and 1 publication in SCOPUS indexed proceedings. He has also produced several articles in existing national journals.

Some of Retno’s works during her doctoral study at FPIK Undip include “Asexual Reproduction of Black Sea Cucumber from Jepara Waters” published in 2019 in the Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences; then “Relationship Between Stage of Gonad Maturity and Level of Osmotic Work of Sea Cucumber”; and “Feeding selectivity of Holothuria atra in different microhabitat in Panjang Island, Jepara (Java, Indonesia)” published in the 2020 Biodiversity Journal.

Meanwhile, R Baskoro Rochaddi made his doctoral work with a dissertation entitled “Diversity of Bacteria in Shallow Groundwater, Degradation of Chlorpyrifos Pesticides and Resistance of Hg and As Heavy Metals in the Coastal Areas of the North Coast of Central Java and East Java”. Baskoro conducted this research because of his concern about the pollution in the Javanese coast. In addition to a dissertation, he also wrote the study in the Biodiversity Journal.

Another dissertation produced by the marine science doctoral program in this period is a work entitled “Model of Lithological Layers Based on Resistivity and Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) Data and Its Relation to Land subsidence based on Dinsar Analysis and Changes in Coastlines in Semarang City”. This paper based on research compiled by Sugeng Widada is expected to provide benefits for policy making on handling land subsidence in the city of Semarang.

Meanwhile, another perfect score winner, namely Lilik Maslukah, made a scientific paper entitled “Phosphorous Fractionation and Its Relationship with Chlorophyll-A Concentration in North Waters of Central Java”.

Dean of FPIK UNDIP, Prof. Ir Tri Winarni Agustini MSc PhD, reminded that achieving maximum value has consequences for both the person concerned and for the educational provider institution. Therefore, he cited a phrase that was always made by the Chancellor and Chair of the Academic Senate in every graduation ceremony to always maintain the good name of the almamater.

“I think every graduate has the same obligation to maintain the big name of Diponegoro University. It is also important to remember that the completion of your study is the beginning of greater dedication to the field you are engaged in. For those who hold a doctorate degree, they must also devote their knowledge through innovation and academic works that are useful for society, “said Tri Winarni. she


Empat Doktor Ilmu Kelautan UNDIP Raih IPK Sempurna

FPIK Appreciates Students at FIMAFEST 2020

FPIK Appreciates Students at FIMAFEST 2020

FPIK, SEMARANG – FIMAFEST 2020 or short for Fisheries and Marine Science Festival 2020 was successfully held on December 19, 2020. FIMAFEST is an awarding event for outstanding students in academics, sports, entrepreneurial units, and an appreciation event for student organizations (ormawa) in the Faculty of Fisheries. and Marine Science (FPIK) Diponegoro University (UNDIP). This annual event is broadcast live through the YouTube channel UNDIP TV Official. In collaboration with Bank BTN, Make Over, UNDIP Event and Campus Event, this event was successfully held for approximately 3 hours 15 minutes. The excitement of FIMAFEST was attended by all campus officials and alumni, including the Rector of UNDIP, Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H., M.Hum., Dean of FPIK UNDIP, Prof. Ir. Tri Winarni Agustini, M.Sc., Ph.D, Deputy Dean 1 of FPIK UNDIP, namely Dr. Agus Trianto, S.T, M.Sc, Ph.D., Chairman of the UNDIP (KEKAL) Marine Alumni Family, namely Djoko Hartoyo, Secretary of the UNDIP Fisheries Alumni Family (KERAPU) namely Ir. Sakina Rosellasari., M.Si., M.Sc and FPIK lecturers who also supported this event.

Throughout 2020, students who carry the big name FPIK have won various kinds of achievements both at the national and international levels. Not only personal, FPIK student organizations which have also succeeded in winning various national achievements should be the pride of the FPIK UNDIP campus. Therefore, through FIMAFEST, FPIK also supports the efforts of these students by giving awards or appreciation in the form of appreciation funds. The award recipient category was presented by FIMAFEST 2020 namely Student Achievement (MAWAPRES) with a total appreciation fund of IDR 3,000,000 (Three Million Rupiah), Student Business Unit with a total appreciation fund of IDR 33,000,000 (Thirty Three Million Rupiah), Gebyar Creativity Program Students (PKM) with a total appreciation fund of IDR 20,000,000 (Twenty Million Rupiah), PKM New Students with a total appreciation fund of IDR 1,500,000 (One Million Five Hundred Thousand Rupiah), and Achievement Students with a total appreciation fund of IDR 30,000 .000 (Thirty Million Rupiah). In addition, various nominations were read out in this event, namely Achievement Inspirational Students, Innovative Creative Students, Most Productive Students, UKM-F (Student-Faculty Activity Unit), Most Influencer UKM-F, Favorite UKM-F, HMD (Department Student Association). ) KPSDM, HMD SOSMAS, HMD Kesma, HMD Riskel and HMD Seniora.

The core program of FIMAFEST 2020 was not only filled with music entertainment and dance performances, but also the most interesting thing was the holding of several quizzes and door prizes for viewers who watched through the YouTube channel UNDIP TV at that time. Prizes distributed in the form of television and 10 savings books worth Rp. 1,000,000 (one million rupiah) from Bank BTN.

Big hope for FPIK, through awarding activities such as FIMAFEST, it can increase motivation for FPIK students to continue to be enthusiastic in working and making achievements in various fields. (Adm).