On Wednesday (15/5) the first day of the Technical Guidance activity for Sekolah Pantai Indonesia was held at Building D, FPIK Undip, Tembalang. This activity is an activity organized by the Directorate General of Marine Management and Marine Spaces of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. The Technical Guidance is held from May 15-17 2024 at FPIK, attended by representatives from the Directorate of Coastal and Small Island Utilization, BMKG of Central Java, LPSPL Serang, Marine and Fisheries Agency of Prov. Riau, Marine and Fisheries Agency of Prov. North Sumatra, Agriculture, Food, and Marine Affairs Agency of Tanjungpinang, Marine and Fisheries Agency of Central Tapanuli Regency, participants from SMA N 5 Tanjungpinang, SMA N 1 Tapanuli Tengah, and two lecturers from FPIK Undip, namely Dr. Drs. Rudhi Pribadi and Dr. Dwi Haryanti, S.Kel., M.Sc. as speakers. This Technical Guidance is held to support the Sekolah Pantai Indonesia (SPI) 2024 activity by providing SPI Facilitators with material briefing and understanding of the 4A implementation method. With this Technical Guidance activity, it is hoped that the facilitators can assist the implementation of SPI activities properly.