FPIK, SEMARANG – On Wednesday (17/4) FPIK Undip successfully held a Halal Bihalal event for the Big Family of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Diponegoro University. This event took place at the FPIK Undip Auditorium Building and is an annual event held after the long Eid holiday. The event was attended by invited guests, namely the previous FPIK Deans, Professors, Dean, Vice deans, Lecturers, Staff and student representatives.
The event opened with hand shaking event between the attendees. Then continued with remarks from Prof.Ir. Tri Winarni Agustini, Msc., Ph.D. as the Dean of FPIK Undip who said that she’s grateful and happy to be able to maintain ties with the guests present and hopes that the relationship between the academic community in FPIK can continue to be strengthened. After remarks from the Dean, the event continued by listening together to the recitation of Al-Qur’an verses and the translations recited by Ima Wijayanti, S.Pi., M.Si., Ph.D. and Nur Afiani Ratnaningtyas, S.Pi. The event then continued with reciting du’a together guided by Prof. Dr. H. Suparman Syukur, MA. He also delivered brief sermon with the theme “Nurturing Relationship to Form Harmony of Diversity for Goodness and Better Development”.
He said that there are two important things that need to be done by the FPIK Undip academic community, namely establishing friendship before Eid and also after Eid so that the bond of friendship can grow even stronger. He said that good friendship between people will not only bring fortune and a blessed life to us individually but will also strengthen the bond which can have a positive impact on FPIK. After the sermon and du’a recitation, Seto Windarto, S.Pi., M.Sc., M.P. along with Rikha Widiaratih, S.Si., M.Si. as the emcees presented the rewards for the best staff based on the results of survey results announced by the Manager of FPIK Undip, A. Ronin Hidayatullah, S.KM. The event was then continued with a group photo and then the audience was welcomed to enjoy the lunch meals provided by the faculty. The event was closed with the exciting trivia quiz from the MCs and for whoever answer correctly could win door prizes. Hopefully this halal bihalal event can have a positive impact on togetherness of the FPIK Undip family.
FPIK, Jaya!