Tuesday (3/26) The Joint Tarawih Prayer and Sermon were successfully held at the Auditorium Building of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Diponegoro University. On this occasion, FPIK Undip together with the Vice Rector 4, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ambariyanto, M.Sc., took the turn as shohibul bait for the Joint Tarawih Prayer and Sermon event which were attended by all Undip academic members, namely the rector, vice rector, deans, vice deans, lecturers, staff, and students. This activity is held every Monday to Thursday during the holy month of Ramadan and is carried out alternately by all faculties and work units at Undip.
The event began with doing congregational isha prayer then continued with Tarawih and witr prayers led by Drs. KH Anasom, M.Hum., the Chairman of PCNU Semarang City. After completing the prayers, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ambariyanto, M.Sc. as the representative of FPIK as well as the Vice Rector 4 gave a brief speech to the audience who attended the Tarawih prayer at FPIK. The event was then continued by Drs. KH Anasom, M.Hum., who preached a sermon related to the topic of the current theme entitled “The Blessings of the Ramadan Month”.
He said that according to related hadith, in this holy month of Ramadan, there are five blessings that can only be obtained specifically in the month of Ramadan. The first is that Allah SWT sees his people who are busy fasting at the beginning of Ramadan. The second, the smell of the mouth of the fasting person is considered by Allah SWT as musk perfume. The third is the angels will pray for us and ask forgiveness for us from Allah SWT. Fourth, Allah SWT will order the guardians of heaven to open the doors of Allah’s paradise for His servants. Then the last blessing is our sins will be forgiven by Allah SWT. KH Anasom advised that Muslims should make the most of the holy month of Ramadan because it is at this special time that Allah SWT the Most Merciful open the door of heavens. Despite the heavy rain that were pouring for quite a while, the congregation remained solemn in doing prayers and listening to the sermon. After the sermon ended, the event was closed by saying Alhamdulillah together and taking a group photo. It is hoped that we will always get abundant blessings from Allah SWT in this special month. (Adm)