FPIK, SEMARANG -​​ (August/07) Jepara – Karimunjawa trip starting with departure from Semarang at half past 1 am the committee and participants transit at DSTP first at 2.30 – 4.30, the ship to Karimunjawa departs at 7.00 until 5.00 departs from DSTP. Trip to Karimunjawa Island from Jepara using the Siginjai boat for approximately 5 hours after arriving we rested until around 3 in the afternoon then headed to Bukit Love (Love Hill). Bukit Love is one of the tourist destinations on Karimunjawa Island in a highland area with very beautiful views of Karimunjawa Island and the ocean. The participants were very happy to explore Bukit Love and they were very enthusiastic about taking photos where there was one of the iconic statues in the form of Karimunjawa writing and the participants took photos together there.

Photo: IRoSCo participants taking a group photo in Karimunjawa.

After Bukit Love, the next destination is mangrove tracking. There it is explained what species of mangrove there are and what role the mangrove ecosystem plays in the sustainability of the environment there. Mangrove tracking in Karimunjawa is managed by BTNKJ (Balai Taman Nasional Karimun Jawa) or Karimun Jawa National Park Agency and at the time there was a tracking renovation being carried out to make it better and safer. And at the final destination on the first day was at Tanjung Gelam beach, where the committee and participants enjoyed the view of the beach and waited for the sunset. In the evening after arriving at the homestay and after dinner the participants are free to go to the town square to look for souvenirs or just enjoy the evening atmosphere.

Photo: IRoSCo participants enjoying the beauty of Karimunjawa beach.

Photo: IRoSCo participants take a photo in front of the ferry.

(August/08) Jepara – The second day Karimunjawa trip started with a baby turtle release event into the sea at Tanjung Gelam beach, this release event was held by BTNKJ with the aim of introducing that turtles are protected animals and their preservation must be protected.

The second day focused on water activities, namely snorkeling. Snorkeling was done in 2 places near the Cemara besar and cemara kecil islands. The participants were very enthusiastic about snorkeling, although there were some who were still afraid because it was their first time. While snorkeling, some of the participants also took photos underwater with coral and fish in the background. The underwater photos were so good that some wanted to take several photos. Approaching midday around 10 am we went to Cemara besar Island to do a coastal clean up. All the participants were divided into 6 groups and they competed to get the most rubbish. After getting tired of doing the coastal clean up we had lunch with fresh grilled fish which was immediately grilled after being catch.

Photo: IRoSCo participants clean the beach.

After leaving Cemara Besar, we headed to Big Menjangan Island to see the shark breeding, here the participants can take photos with tame sharks, there are quite a lot of sharks being kept here so it can be said that the shark breeding here is successful. Apart from sharks, there are also starfish and other endemic animals. after being satisfied with taking pictures, finally the second day’s activities were finished, the participants returned to the homestay to enjoy dinner and free time to go to the town square again or to rest because tomorrow morning the ship departs at 7 in the morning.

Photo: IRoSCo snorkeling participants.

Photo: IRoSCo participants taking photos in the shark breeding area.