FPIK, SEMARANG – Diponegoro University has once again recorded an extraordinary historical event, namely the Inauguration of Professors with the highest number throughout 2023, namely 42 (forty two) Professors. The procession for the inauguration of Professors will take place in 2 (two) stages. It begins with the inauguration procession of 25 (twenty five) Professors which is scheduled for the time span from 5 to 5 p.m. September 19 2023. Following the inauguration procession of the next 17 (seventeen) professors. The inauguration procession was held at the Prof Soedarto building, SH Undip Tembalang campus. In one day the inauguration procession is divided into 2 (two) sessions, namely the morning and afternoon sessions. Currently, Diponegoro University has 195 (one hundred and ninety five) active professors.
On Thursday (7/9) at the Prof. Building. Soedarto, S.H. Undip Tembalang. The three professors who were inaugurated were Prof. Dr. Ir. Munasik, M.Sc. (Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science); Prof. Dr. Drs. Hardi Warsono, M.T. (Faculty of Social and Political Sciences); and Prof. Bagus Hario Setiadji, S.T, M.T., Ph.D. (Faculty of Engineering).

Photo: Prof. Yos with Prof. Munasik

Photo: Prof. Yos with Prof. Hardi

Photo: Prof. Yos with Prof. Bagus
Prof. Munasik delivered a speech entitled “Smart Ecological Design of Artificial Patch Reef for Restoring the Indonesian Coral Reef Ecosystem”. Indonesia has the largest coral reef ecosystem in the world, almost a fifth of the entire global coral reef area with the highest species diversity. However, the health of the ecosystem is declining, until less than 10% remains in its best condition. For this reason, efforts to restore coral reefs are needed through restoration so that the ecosystem does not become extinct.
“The smart ecological design of Artificial Patch Reefs (APR) provides a solution for restoring coral reef ecosystems, namely the formation of new habitat more quickly, economically, so that the results can contribute to sustainable development (SDGs), especially in increasing the environmental quality index and Indonesia’s marine health index,” he explained.
Meanwhile Prof. Hardi delivered a scientific speech entitled “Collaborative Governance and Bureaucratic Reform in Regional Cooperation Towards a Golden Indonesia 2045”. The delineation of administrative areas is often not the same as the functional delineation. Natural functions such as watersheds (DAS), regional roads, the spread of disease, both physical and social diseases often cross administrative regional boundaries. Therefore, handling problems piecemeal within administrative areas is often ineffective, therefore synergy through cooperation between regions is needed.
“To be able to realize Collaborative Bureaucratic Governance towards a Golden Indonesia in 2045, continuous bureaucratic reform is needed in managing cooperation involving two or more autonomous regions, it can no longer be managed with a rigid bureaucratic approach, but should be managed with a networking and collaborative approach, ” said Prof Hardi.
Meanwhile Prof. Bagus said that road stability is an indicator that is the target for performance achievements of technical development agencies. The level of road stability is not a fixed value, but always fluctuates during the service life of the road pavement.
“The involvement of technology when identifying, measuring and compiling road functional condition data is highly recommended to avoid measurement errors and human error, coupled with improved evaluation methods to obtain more accurate road functional condition results,” he concluded.
On the third day of this inauguration, Thursday (7/9) at the Prof. Building. Soedarto, S.H., Undip Tembalang. The professor who was inaugurated was Prof. Dr. Ir. Sarjito, M.App.Sc. (Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science); Prof. Dr. Eng. Ir. Silviana., S.T., M.T., IPM., ASEAN Eng. (Faculty of Engineering); and Prof. Nat. Ir. Thomas Triadi Putranto, S.T., M.Eng., IPU, ASEAN Eng. (Faculty of Engineering).

Photo: Prof. Yos with Prof. Sarjito

Photo: Prof. Yos with Prof. Silviana

Photo: Prof. Yos with Prof. Thomas
In his scientific speech on “Treatment of Fish Diseases Based on Natural Ingredients in the Context of Realizing Sustainable Aquaculture”, Prof. Sarjito said there were many reports of mass deaths in aquaculture activities due to fish diseases in aquaculture organisms, including crabs, crustaceans, shrimp and economically important fish such as grouper, catfish and tilapia, goldfish and koi. Efforts to treat fish infected with disease generally still use antibiotics and chemotherapy. The use of antibiotics for a long period of time and in inappropriate amounts can cause resistance to pathogenic bacteria and produce residues in aquaculture products as well as the emergence of anti-microbial resistance (AMR) in the aquatic environment.
“To avoid the negative effects of using antibiotics in aquaculture activities, alternative treatments using environmentally friendly natural ingredients are needed. Diseases that often attack aquaculture organisms are the result of viral, fungal and bacterial infections as well as environmental factors. “The use of natural ingredients, especially natural plants and associated bacteria is one of the recommended methods for fish farmers, while reducing production costs, reducing resistant bacteria, reducing the impact on the aquaculture environment and at the same time maintaining food safety,” he explained.
Followed by the presentation of Prof.’s scientific work. Silviana entitled “Development of Selective Adsorbent Technology Made from Modified Silica to Improve the Quality of Alternative Energy”, discusses the focus of developing new material technology regarding the manufacture of selective adsorbent particles made from silica for the purpose of improving the quality of alternative energy, namely biodiesel, biogas and syngas. The selective adsorbent particles formed need to be confirmed by characterization and kinetic studies to obtain further information on the need for selective adsorbent particles made from modified silica in reducing impurity concentrations in biodiesel, biogas and syngas.
“The feasibility test stage of the adsorbent product in a refining process is part of the opportunity for innovation in the process of quality product flow diagrams to be demonstrated by increasing calorific value, purity and economic value. “The obstacles that arise become opportunities to collaborate with related industries, both as facilitators and consultants,” said Prof Silviana.
Meanwhile Prof. Thomas, in his material entitled “Conditions and Recommendations for Environmentally Sound Groundwater Management in the City of Semarang”, explained that the large use of groundwater in Indonesia has an impact on the availability and quality of groundwater. Use of groundwater that is not environmentally sound will have a negative impact on groundwater conditions. The primary impact that arises as a result of inappropriate water management is reduced groundwater availability. Furthermore, further impacts can arise such as land subsidence, sea water entering the land (rob) and incidents of sea water entering the ground water layer (sea water intrusion) which can occur especially in coastal areas. The impacts that arise will result in wider damage to the groundwater environment, such as a decrease in groundwater quality.
“Groundwater management activities can be carried out in several ways, including building online/real-time monitoring wells to observe groundwater levels and their quality, building deep infiltration and shallow infiltration wells, mapping groundwater potential and configuration as well as mapping groundwater utilization and conservation zones, “supervision and socialization of groundwater utilization control, as well as numerical modeling of groundwater flow and movement of contaminant particles,” he concluded.
On Tuesday (12/9) at the Prof. Building. Sudarto, S.H. Tembalang. In the inauguration morning session, the three professors inaugurated were Prof. Dr. Dian Wijayanto, S.Pi., M.M., M.S.E. (Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science); Prof. Dr. Ir. Endang Purbowati, M.P. (Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Agriculture); and Prof. Dr. Ir. Heru Prastawa, D.E.A. (Faculty of Engineering).

Photo: Prof. Yos with Prof. Dian Wijayanto

Photo: Prof. Yos with Prof. Endang Purbowati

Photo: Prof. Yos with Prof. Heru Prastawa
In his scientific speech, Prof. Dian conveyed the problem of overfishing, she said that currently it has become the main problem of capture fisheries in the world, including Indonesia, namely that around 35% of the world’s fish stocks have been overfished (excessive exploitation). This needs to be of global concern considering that capture fisheries have a relatively large contribution to food supply, job opportunities, poverty alleviation and economic growth.
“The problem of overfishing can be prevented and reduced through sustainable fisheries management, including determining the amount of permitted catch (quota), restrictions on equipment, fishing areas, fishing time, minimum size of fish that can be caught, number of fleets and fishing effort, as well as tax policies , subsidies and licenses. “The research team from Undip has developed several bioeconomic models as a contribution to the development of bioeconomic science,” he explained.
Meanwhile Prof. Endang delivered his scientific speech entitled “Low Fat, Sustainable and Environmentally Friendly Lamb Meat Production: A New Paradigm”. Increasing the population of sheep for food is not recommended, considering that methane gas resulting from digestion will affect climate change, plus the depletion of land for food production due to the increase in residential land. The solution is to increase and shorten production time. Currently, consumers want low-fat meat, so a strategy is needed to produce low-fat lamb, which is sustainable and environmentally friendly.
“Livestock productivity is influenced by livestock and feed factors. Fattening weaned sheep for 3 months is more efficient, and can produce meat that is tender and low in fat at a slaughter weight of 20 kg. Complete feed in the form of pellets to produce low-fat lamb is with 15% crude protein (PK) and 60% total digestible nutrients (TDN). “Replacing elephant grass with agro-industrial residue does not have a negative impact on the environment,” he said.
Next, Prof. Heru Prastawa in his scientific material entitled “Human Factors Engineering and Society 5.0: Shaping a Human-Centered Future” discusses society 5.0, society is expected to be able to solve various social challenges and problems by utilizing various innovations born in the industrial revolution 4.0 era to improve quality of human life. Human Factor Engineering/Ergonomics studies the principles of work carried out by humans in relation to the elements in a system. In Ergonomics, human limitations and strengths are harmonized in a work system to achieve efficient, comfortable, safe, healthy and effective performance. The presence of Society 5.0 cannot be avoided. People are required to have HOTS (High Order Thinking Skills) abilities, namely having critical thinking and being faster in producing solutions to meet their needs. To respond to the influence of Society 5.0, it is necessary to increase the ability of adaptability, agility, mobility and reactivity which are key words in society 5.0, as well as the need to increase collaboration in all aspects.
“Human Factors Engineering plays a critical role in shaping the human-centric future of Society 5.0. By focusing on user-centered design, facilitating human-machine collaboration, addressing workforce adaptation, and paying attention to ethical considerations, HFE ensures that technology improves well-being, productivity, and sustainability,” he concluded. (LW/Warnoto-PR)
“The rapid increase in the number of professors at Undip proves the success of the program being implemented, namely the OPOC (One Professor One Candidate) program. “This program aims to increase the number of Professors in accordance with the Diponegoro University Strategic Plan for 2020-2024, namely increasing the quality of human resources who have competence and professionalism, one of which is by increasing the number of professors,” said the Chancellor of Diponegoro University, Prof. Josh. (Admin)
Source: undip.ac.id