FPIK, SEMARANG – WorldInvent Singapore 22+23 (WoSG) is a gathering attended by technology enthusiasts, inventors, and innovators of all ages. This activity takes the form of an exhibition of discoveries and innovations, which displays new ideas, new products, and new approaches.
Indonesia also participated in this activity through students from the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro (FPIK Undip), including Rafi Zulmy Saputra, Supo Friza Rendishatara, and Aulia Rasyad Aqila Hernanda. This prestigious contest was held at DMarquee, Downtown East, in the Republic of Singapore between September 4 and 6, 2023. This year, FPIK Undip students succeeded in winning a silver medal with the presentation of the work “Multi-Purpose Modular Data Collector for Conducting Underwater Research”.

Photo: FPIK Undip won a silver medal at WorldInvent Singapore 22+23 (WoSG) 2023.
WorldInvent TM 22+23 The Singapore International Invention Show (WoSG) is organized by the Innovation Design & Entrepreneurship Association (IDEA), the international body for the promotion of invention and innovation. More than 300 academics from various countries participated in this year’s contest. Their discoveries and innovative works were exhibited both online and on site. More than 20 countries participated, such as Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Malaysia, Indonesia, Qatar, the Republic of China, Vietnam, and Thailand. (Adm)