Remarks by the Dean of FPIK Undip, Prof. Ir. Tri Winarni Agustini, M.Sc., Ph.D.

The Young Diponegoro Orientation activity of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science Undip was held offline starting Monday (14/08) and was attended by 687 undergraduate students. 110 students from the aquatic resource management study program, 103 students from the aquaculture study program, 88 students from the technology fisheries product study program, 65 students from the capture fisheries study program, 161 students from the marine science study program, and 160 students from the oceanography study program. The event began with remarks by the chairman of ODM FPIK 2023, the chairman of BEM FPIK, and the Dean of FPIK, Prof. Ir. Tri Winarni Agustini, M.Sc., Ph.D as well as pinning the participant’s card as a symbolic symbol of official acceptance of students of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Diponegoro University. In addition, she also introduced the structural officials of the Faculty, Head of Department, and Head of Study Program.

At the end of her remarks, the Dean of FPIK closed with the jargon “Kolaborasi untuk meraih prestasi” as part of encouragement of the beginning of the activity. She also introduced three new students of FPIK who became the team of attribute receiving troops during the Undip new student admission ceremony 2023 on last Friday (11/08).

Image of three FPIK new students who became the team of attribute recipient troops during the Undip PMB ceremony

The theme carried out at ODM FPIK UNDIP this year is ” Ciptakan kolaborasi, bersama FPIK wujudkan empati untuk laut Indonesia”. ODM FPIK Undip is a means to instill adaptive, collaborative, empathy and responsibility values for new students. This event took place for six days in the auditorium and building D of FPIK Undip.

In this activity, new students are introduced to the scope and system of higher education, especially Diponegoro University, which is the first step to start looking for their potential as a millennial generation by developing good character and ethics, so that they can represent those values in the environment and prevent disasters. New students certainly get material exposure that greatly supports this, namely related to the introduction of the scope and system of higher education, the role of millennials in the life of the nation, student ethics in lectures, as well as the environment and disasters alertness. After each presentation of each material, it was continued with Q&As and discussion sessions with new students.

ODM FPIK Undip 2023 was implemented and run successfully thanks to the collaboration between new students of FPIK Undip with the committee and management. The existence of ODM FPIK Undip activities in 2023 is expected to be beneficial for all parties.

Group Photo, ODM FPIK Undip Activity in 2023