Semarang. SNBP is a National Selection Based on Achievement, in SNBP prospective students are focused on achievements in report cards and in the academic or non-academic fields and only students are declared eligible who are entitled to register for SNBP 2023. The verification activity of determining UKT candidates for the 2023/2024 SNBP FPIK Undip was held on April 10, 2023 There were 195 freshmen from 6 study programs whose UKT had to be determined by a verification team consisting of Vice Dean 2, TU manager, Resources Spv, UKT operator and Bem. Based on data from the Ministry of Education and Culture (source: of the 6 study programs at FPIK Undip, the Oceanography study program has the most specialization, namely 286 enthusiasts with a capacity of 39.
Determination of UKT Prospective New Students of FPIK Undip 2023/2024 SNBP Pathway
by admin | Apr 13, 2023 | News