FPIK. Prof. Tri and Ir. Sutardi, Head of the Department of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries and Animal Husbandry of the Wonogiri Regency, signed the MoU on the collaboration “Fisheries Management with a Community-Based and Ecosystem Approach in Wonogiri Regency” in the lti senate meeting room. 3rd ed. A FPIK Undip on 1 February 2023.

The scope of the cooperation includes:

  1. Planning, development and capacity building of marine and fisheries human resources;
  2. Empowerment of marine and fisheries communities;
  3. Conservation and protection of biodiversity in Mainland Public Waters (PUD);
  4. Management of ecosystem services;
  5. Research, development and application of science and technology in the field of fisheries;
  6. Assessment and development of legal, social and economic aspects in the field of fisheries;
  7. Consultation and exchange of information and knowledge in the field of fisheries;
  8. Expert exchange; And
  9. Utilization of facilities and infrastructure.
  10. The Study Programs at the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences that are involved in this collaboration are Capture Fisheries, Aquatic Resources Management, Aquaculture and Fishery Product Technology.