Tuesday, August 23, 2022 The Dean of the Faculty of FPIK Undip, Prof. Tri and Deputy Dean of Academic Affairs FPIK Undip Dr. Agus Trianto was a guest speaker at the public dialogue “The Challenges of Being a Tropical Marine and Fisheries Scientist” live on TVRI Central Java. Indonesia has a very large potential of marine resources, therefore it is very unfortunate if the next generation of the nation cannot manage it.

FPIK Undip has 6 undergraduate study programs namely Aquaculture, Marine Science, Oceanography, Aquatic Resources Management (MSDP), Capture Fisheries and Fishery Products Technology. 2 master study programs, namely Masters in Marine Sciences, Masters in MSDP and 2 doctoral programs, namely Doctoral Degrees in Marine Sciences, Doctoral Programs in MSDP. Each study program has many scientific and technological breakthroughs that are needed in managing Indonesia’s marine resources, said Prof. Tri.

Shrimp Cultivation, Design of environmentally friendly fishing gear, Biotechnology of marine products, Conservation and recreation “mangrove tracking”, Marine Science Techno Park is a flagship program of technological breakthroughs from FPIK Undip.

Dr. Agus Trianto added that FPIK Undip also cooperates with other parties, namely DELOS MARITIME and PT. Irodori Global Indonesia in the FPIK Undip student internship program both in Indonesia and to Japan. FPIK also provides knowledge from the academic side (hard skills) and non-academic (soft skills) as part of scientific competence in the Certificate of Companion Diploma (SKPI) or Diploma Supplement.