FPIK, SEMARANG - Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam), Prof. Dr. Mahfud MD, S.H., S.U., M.I.P, admitted that he knew exactly that Universitas Diponegoro (UNDIP) was indeed the bastion of Pancasila, because since 2000 he has been actively involved in the UNDIP Campus as a lecturer in the Doctoral Program in Law.
“What the Chancellor Prof. Yos Johan said that Undip is a fortress of Pancasila which does not give space to those who are intolerant, is true,” said Prof. Mahmud MD at the Gathering with the Academic Senate and the Council of UNDIP Professors and Forkompimda Central Java, in the Prof. Building. Soedarto, Thursday (21/10/2021).
Therefore, in his series of activities at UNDIP, he did not want to give lectures or lectures on Pancasila, but chose friendship.
In the introduction to the friendship, the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs said that the Pancasila ideology was final because it had undergone various processes and challenges at various moments. The constitutional way when discussed at BPUPKI, Pancasila was agreed as the basis of the state. Efforts to provide an opportunity to change the constitution through elections and open space for political parties when BJ Habibie became President, also ended with continued support for Pancasila. Ways of war, such as the G30S PKI and NII, also failed to shake Pancasila.
But there is a strange phenomenon, the President in Indonesia also falls because he is considered unable to implement, violates Pancasila. All periods of government were also accused of not implementing Pancasila. “What is the problem? Implementation,” he said, at the event moderated directly by the Undip Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H., M, Hum.
Therefore, he invites universities, which are institutions to produce intellectuals, to jointly study and find answers on how to implement Pancasila in a way that is relevant to the conditions.
Some concepts that need to be strengthened include restorative justice in the settlement of criminal cases. Then by using local wisdom.
To be sure, Mahfud emphasized that the government must be open to criticism. And should not face criticism with repressive measures. However, it must be understood that criticism of the government can also be answered with criticism if what is being said is not supported by data. So, he said, careless criticism cannot be allowed because it can be misleading.
Regarding issues that are important to pay attention to at this time, among them are the land mafia, several articles in the Electronic Information and Transactions Law (ITE), as well as issues related to BLBI (Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance) which until now continue to emerge.

Photo: Mahfud MD, Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (left) and Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H., M, Hum (Rector of Universitas Diponegoro)
Mahfud considers these problems as waste from the past that must be resolved without blaming each other.
The current government continues to try to solve it, but it can’t be finished immediately. In the case of the land mafia, it is recognized that a lot of government land is controlled by individuals and corporations, but the handover is legal in a civil manner, so it should not be handled rashly. The BLBI problem is also not easy to solve because the law on asset confiscation does not yet exist. “Democracy must be patient,” he reminded.
However, he is optimistic that towards Indonesia Gold 2045 Indonesia will become a big country along with China, the United States, India and Japan. This prediction is reinforced by various studies, not only by national institutions, but also by international institutions such as McKinsey and PricewaterhouseCoopers. Justice and prosperity will ultimately be achieved in Gold Indonesia 2045 as long as the stages of the process, namely Independence, Unity, and Sovereignty, can be carried out properly.
Previously, Undip Chancellor Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H., M, Hum., said that one of the indicators of the implementation of Pancasila is prosperity. Therefore, in Undip, welfare is of utmost importance. Including the students. “Pancasila, give rights to those who are entitled. Don’t reduce. Don’t do business by putting pressure on other people,” he said.
That is the way Undip under his leadership implemented Pancasila. And what is certain, he emphasized, is that Undip is not only a fortress of Pancasila, but also a fortress of Pancasila. Therefore, there is no room for those who reject Pancasila and the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia on this campus. (Source: undip.ac.id | Tim Humas UNDIP)