FPIK, SEMARANG – At the age of approximately 63 years, Diponegoro University (UNDIP) which was founded on January 9, 1957 as a Private University and only received the status of a State University in 1961 in its journey gave birth to many national figures. Some hold strategic positions in government. One of them is Djoko Hartoyo, a figure who is now trusted to be the Deputy Assistant (Asdep) for Regional Development Infrastructure of the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Kemenko Marinves) RI since 2019 until now.
Djoko, who is an alumni of the first batch and the first graduate of Marine Science and Technology (ITK) who is currently the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK) UNDIP in 1992, was already in the ministry when he was still the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia (2014-2019). “Currently, my task in the government of President Jokowi is as Assistant Deputy for Regional Development Infrastructure of the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, RI. Its main task is to coordinate, synchronize and control all stakeholders,” said Djoko Hartoyo in an interview, Tuesday (6/7/2021).
In that position, he must coordinate with partners from other institutions, starting from the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK), the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP), Provincial and Regency / City Governments. “So if we solve the problem, for example to build a road through production forest, then there is PUPR, in this case Bina Marga, there is the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, which in this case is the Directorate General of Planning and KSDAE, and the local government,” explained the man born in Cilacap, October 20, 1968.
Most recently, Djoko, who is also an alumnus of the Master in Marine Sciences, University of South New Wales, Sydney – Australia 2002 is busy handling the new industrial and urban development of Rebana (Cirebon-Patimban-Kertajati) which will start working on July 2021. A total of 88 priority infrastructure projects prepared for regional development with a budget allocation of Rp 240,75 trillion.
“We are still waiting for the Presidential Regulation which is the legal basis for the development of the Rebana area. If the Presidential Regulation is issued, we will immediately move, although we are still preparing and maturation of the Tambourine area development program,” said Djoko, who also took the Professional Engineer Program, UGM in 2020.

According to him, another program that must be handled is the construction and rehabilitation of several reservoirs. The program, which is part of the integrated area development, involves collaboration between the central and local governments, including budget support from the APBN, APBD, BUMN, BUMD, and the private sector. “Until 2022, we focus on preparation. So far, the main problem with infrastructure projects is land. This will be a major concern,” he added.
Djoko Hartoyo, who is now the Head of the UNDIP Marine and Oceanography Alumni Family (KEKAL) admits that the provisions he has obtained from his alma mater have greatly helped him in career development. To be sure, he was very impressed while studying at the UNDIP campus. While studying at UNDIP he was introduced to many things, especially in Marine Science and Technology. “As an alumni, I would like to thank UNDIP as an institution that has helped shape my character and expertise. Especially to the lecturers who have always guided him to become what he is today. It’s something I’m grateful for,” he said.

Photo: Administrator of KEKAL UNDIP
Reflecting on his career journey, Djoko, who has often received awards both nationally and internationally, suggested that UNDIP students, especially juniors who had to study in the midst of a pandemic, were able to adapt to current conditions. “You must actively build networks and continue to seek knowledge that will become your provision after completing your studies. During a pandemic, knowledge can be obtained from webinars, online lectures, meetings on Zoom, and more. UNDIP must also open up to be able to synergize and collaborate with alumni who are currently working in various places. Don’t lose your enthusiasm for learning even though we are experiencing a pandemic,” said Djoko, who is also a frequent speaker at national and international seminars.
Regarding the meaning of success, according to him it is relative. The main thing to do now is how to build enthusiasm in learning. Whatever the goal must be a motivation for life. “Alhamdulillah, my dream of high school can be achieved. Currently I am still in echelon 2, I pray that soon I will be able to compete for the position of echelon 1,” said Djoko, who has written several books. (Source: undip.ac.id | Tim Humas UNDIP)