FPIK, SEMARANG – Profiles and figures of alumni of higher education institutions are not only recognized as one of the pillars of performance, alumni profiles are also often associated as the “Crown of Higher Education Institutions”. Therefore, it is not surprising that rating agencies include the profile of graduates of higher education institutions as an important element in their ranking. Citing an expression that is often conveyed by the Chancellor of Diponegoro University (UNDIP), Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, SH., M. Hum, that “The crown of a great teacher lies in the ability to print works”; It is no exaggeration to say that “The Crown of Higher Education Institutions Is Its Ability to Print Its Graduates”.

In that context, it is interesting to observe how the comments and opinions of the “Crowns” of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK) UNDIP towards their alma mater. Since its establishment in 1978, thousands of alumni have graduated from FPIK UNDIP, and they have joined a group called “Kerapu” (Undip Fisheries Alumni Family). Gait grouper members are also very diverse. In addition to fisheries and marine affairs which are their main expertise, many have careers in non-fishery private companies, some are ASN (State Civil Apparatus) in government institutions, bankers, entrepreneurs, politicians, educators, researchers, professionals in mining companies, startup owners, and many other specific professions involved.

The Dean of FPIK UNDIP, Prof. Ir. Tri Winarni Agustini, M.Sc., Ph.D, said the position of alumni is not only as a crown, but as a partner as well as a reflector. As a crown, the achievements of the alumni provide an illustration through their achievements; while the function as a reflector is to strengthen the competence of lecturers whether they are able to provide good provisions to graduates. Meanwhile, as partners, because in the implementation of the teaching and learning process we definitely need field practice, especially with the new policy related to the Independent Learning of the Independent Campus (MBKM), the role of alumni as partners is very important. “All of that will be seen, therefore I personally think these three things emphasize the importance of the role of alumni for higher education institutions,” said Tri Winarni Agustini, Monday (5/7/2021). Furthermore, the Dean of FPIK UNDIP emphasized that in the context of the Independent Learning Campus (MBKM) which is the right of students to study three semesters outside the program, the existence of alumni is very important. In the implementation of MBKM, synergy with alumni is a necessity. “With the implementation of MBKM, we must partner with alumni, especially those in the business and corporate sectors,” she said.

Based on the opinions and comments that have been collected from the alumni of Water Resources Management (MSP) FPIK UNDIP, the majority of alumni contacted said they were satisfied and happy with the higher education program organized by FPIK UNDIP. They are also proud and able to graduate from PTN BH (Legal Entity State University) in Semarang City, Central Java Province. The educational materials, knowledge and experience gained during the study period are also felt to be helpful and an important provision for them when they take part in the community.

Photo: Titus Pramono, S.Pi

Titus Pramono, S.Pi, a graduate of MSP Class of 1998 who has a career at the Directorate General of Marine Spatial Management, Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) explained what he learned while studying at MSP FPIK UNDIP. ”The MSP Study Program is a combination of basic fisheries, students are equipped to compete in water management, coastal management, aquaculture and capture fisheries. At first I worked in a shrimp hatchery business and was able to adapt and work. When I entered the Directorate General of Marine Spatial Management of KKP in coastal management, I was able to adapt and work. UNDIP’s MSP is indeed great,” said Pramono.

Rezha Mahardika, S.Pi., M.Sc, is an alumnus of the 2004 MSP class who has a career in a “different” sector with his knowledge. Currently he is in the mining business as the owner of PT Mahardika Sukses Sejahtera (MSS) which is engaged in the Oil and Gas Mining Sector. “Scientific studies, the adaptation process and all the complexities that I went through in the MSP study program of the Department of Aquatic Resources FPIK UNDIP gave me a high level of confidence to be able to master new things that I am currently working on. And this is my biggest asset to achieve my life goals. Thank you MSP Department of Aquatic Resources FPIK UNDIP. Spirit Forward,” said Rezha.

Photo: Rezha Mahardika, S.Pi., M.Sc

Photo: Endang Rahmi Hute, S.Pi., M.Pi

An alumnus of MSP FPIK UNDIP who is active in politics, Endang Rahmi Hute, S. Pi., M.Pi, is grateful that the educational process at his alma mater provides sufficient academic and non-academic provisions. Rahmi Hute, a 2004 MSP Study Program student who is now a member of the DPRD in West Muna, Southeast Sulawesi, said that various non-academic skills and abilities as provisions for dealing with problems after graduation, all of which are the foundation of personality traits that provide many benefits. ”Water Resources Management Study Program FPIK UNDIP has been able to produce quality sons and daughters of the nation. I am proud to be a part of MSP,” said Rahmi.

Young Expert Researcher at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences’ Biology Research Center (P2B-LIPI), Cibinong Science Center, Bogor Indonesia; Widhya Nugroho Satrioajie, stated that quite a number of MSP alumni of the Department of Aquatic Resources, FPIK, work in research institutions such as LIPI and the Ministry’s Research and Development Agency. According to the 2004 MSP graduate who is currently completing the Doctoral Study Program at Wageningen University and Research in the Netherlands, it proves that Fisheries graduates can have strong abilities and wide opportunities to develop careers and work as researchers.

Photo: Widhya Nugroho Satrioajie

Photo: Dr. Rizky Muliani Dwi Ujianti, S.Pi., MSi

Dr. Rizky Muliani Dwi Ujiti, S.Pi., MSi. Graduates of Water Resources Management (MSP) Class of 2004, have a different opinion. A lecturer at the Faculty of Engineering and Informatics, Universitas PGRI Semarang (UPGRIS), admitted that studying at MSP FPIK UNDIP forged her into a tough, strong and unyielding person. “The knowledge gained is very useful for my self-development as a lecturer in the tri dharma of higher education, namely teaching, researching and serving the community. At MSP we are always taught to work together in teams during lectures and practical work in the field, this is very useful for me in completing my assignments in the office that require collaborating with colleagues,” she said.

FPIK UNDIP graduates are also not a few who are entrepreneurs. Those who do entrepreneurship also have a big role to play in building the nation and state. Because, they are able to give work to other people. It is Pintya D Wanita Ayu Pratesthi, S.Pi is one of them. This 2012 MSP alumnus is the owner of Pratesthi Batik, Craft, Ecoprint, Semarang. ”Many people think studying at MSP will only get knowledge about water management. But it’s actually more than that. This campus also provides opportunities and experiences in developing soft skills. Lectures and field practicum activities that hone character, communication skills, leadership spirit, and form work ethics are important provisions for my current business,” said Ayu Pratesthi.

Photo: Pintya Dwanita Ayu Pratesthi, S.Pi

Photo: Adnan Arsani Hirmawan, S.Pi.

Another entrepreneur who also graduated from UNDIP MSP is Adnan Arsani Hirmawan, S.Pi. This 2012 MSP alumnus is now the CEO of PT Pico Biru Tekno. ”From studying at the UNDIP MSP Study Program, I realized that Water Resources in Indonesia are very rich and there are still many that have not been utilized optimally. Alhamdulillah, armed with knowledge and relationships during college, I was able to build & develop a startup company in the field of Microalgae Biotechnology which is a potential marine fishery resource in Indonesia,” he said.

Head of the Department of Aquatic Resources FPIK UNDIP, Dr. Ir. Suryanti MPi, believes that all alumni have advantages and disadvantages. “The willingness to keep learning is one of the keys to success. Meanwhile, interaction with the alma mater will be a mutually reinforcing partnership,” she said. (Source: undip.ac.id | Tim Humas UNDIP)