FPIK, SEMARANG – Community service is an activity that cannot be separated from the academic life of higher education. Likewise with the community service team from the Fishery Products Technology Study Program, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Diponegoro University (THP FPIK UNDIP) which has carried out production assistance activities for presto milkfish entrepreneurs in Bebengan Village, Boja District, Kendal Regency. The team led by Apri Dwi Anggo S.Pi, M.Sc and consists of Prof. Ir. Tri Winarni Agustini, M.Sc, PhD, A. Suhaeli Fahmi, S.Pi, M.Sc, Retno Ayu Kurniasih, S.Pi, M.Sc and Eko Susanto. S.Pi, M.Sc, PhD has carried out community service activities with micro, small, and medium enterprises (UMKM) Comida which is located in Bebengan Village. This activity will take place from May to June 2021.
The purpose of this program is to create a good relationship between universities and community activity units to provide problem solving in the field. Apri Dwi Anggo, S.Pi, M.Sc as the team leader said that this service activity is expected to develop more productive and sustainable partners’ businesses so that they play a good role as an economic actor in the community.
UMKM Comida itself is a home-cooked milkfish processing industry which is located at Somopuro Hamlet, Rt 02, Rw 07, Bebengan Village, Boja District, Kendal Regency. This cottage industry has been established since 2019 until now and is run by the owner, Siti Rosidah who is assisted by her family. In general, several problems were found in the pressurized milkfish processing industry, ranging from management, production processes to non-optimal production turnover. Especially in the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic where many sectors of the people’s economy have slumped, even resulting in unstable market fluctuations. Therefore, a touch of science and technology from universities is needed.

Photo: One of the THP FPIK UNDIP service teams is assisting the Comida Kendal SME presto milkfish production process
The mentoring process begins with the UMKM partner approach which is expected to be able to form synergistic communication, then proceed with finding common ground between the THP FPIK UNDIP service team program and work partners about problem solutions for sustainable production activities. The actualization of the assistance included counseling and training on Good Processed Food Processing (CPPOB) or often referred to as Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) so that the presto milkfish processing process would be even better. Then the grant of equipment to help the productivity of the production of pressure milkfish. And the last is to motivate the processors in the hope that the fish processing process will become more professional, realize production equipment and increase knowledge and types of products produced.
Siti Rosidah as the owner of UMKM Comida said that what was conveyed by the THP FPIK UNDIP service team was very useful for the business she was running while she hoped that business assistance could continue so that her business could run better and continuously. One of the advantages possessed by partners is that they have a strong intention in trying and are willing to learn to always advance their business. Comida UMKM partners act cooperatively and welcome this service activity. (Editor: Apri Dwi Anggo)