FPIK, SEMARANG – The sinking of the boat in the Kedung Ombo Reservoir, Kemusu District, Boyolali Regency has attracted a sense of humanity for everyone. One of them is three students from the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FPIK) Diponegoro University (UNDIP). They are Abat (23) Nabil (20), and Zigro (23) who are members of the UKSA-387 (Water Dive Activity Unit) UNDIP.
On Sunday (16/5/2021) at 09.30 WIB, Abat and Nabil dived at the location of the tour boat reversing, while Zigro was on standby on the mainland of the reservoir area to monitor and communicate with his two colleagues during the dive. Diving in the Kedung Ombo Reservoir was the first experience in a Search and Rescue operation to search for drowned victims.
The FPIK UNDIP student told that he first received news from a UKSA senior who is currently working with SAR in the Central Java region to join SAR operations in Kedung Ombo. At the time of the incident, Central Java SARDA was in need of divers to search for drowning victims.

Photo: Three FPIK UNDIP students who are members of UKSA-387 are involved in a search and rescue operation for drowning victims in the Kedung Ombo Reservoir. (Source: iNewsJateng.id)
Nabil and Abat did a dive for about 25 minutes at a depth of 25 meters. “At a depth of 15 meters to the surface the visibility is not good, then during the dive we followed the tide path at the bottom, at that moment we found a small child’s hood, which was gray,” said Nabil. “But we also don’t know whether the veil belonged to the victim,” added this Marine Science Study Program student. “So the relationship with SAR has been a long time. Especially with regard to evacuation in the waters, from the Central Java SAR Team, we are often involved, “explained Nabil. When the Lion Air plane crashed on October 29, 2018, in the Java Sea north of Karawang, West Java, UKSA-387 also sent personnel there. “We dispatched members there. In fact, very often we have participated in rescue and search activities.”

Photo: SAR team activities together with UKSA-387 in the search for drowning victims in the reservoir area. (Source: UKSA-387)
Hearing the stories of these three FPIK UNDIP students, UNDIP’s Rector, Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H., M.Hum, gave his appreciation to the students who were members of the UKSA-387 Student Activity Unit (UKM). The action carried out by UKSA-387 personnel was seen by the Rector as a concern for humanitarian problems and should be used as an example.
As a token of appreciation, Thursday (27/5/2021) the Rector gave an official certificate from UNDIP which declared them “Heroes of Humanity”. The charter was given directly by the Rector to Muhammad Ramadhan (S1 Oceanography 2016), Bariq Nabil Ramadhan (S1 Marine Science 2018) and Zigro Taqwagie (S1 Ocean Science 2019).

Photo: Three FPIK UNDIP students receiving an award from the Rector of Diponegoro University.
In his statement, Prof. Yos praised the actions taken by the members of UKSA-387 UNDIP. “The university appreciates what you do. Because they are more concerned with the safety of other people’s souls. You have a soul that cares for others. As the Chancellor, I thank you for setting a good example to other students and others, “said the Rector.
The Rector said that all student and lecturer activities in the humanitarian sector were a concrete form of UNDIP’s Tri Dharma to the community. Therefore, the university always supports and encourages the academic community to carry out social and humanitarian actions.
UKSA-387 UNDIP was founded in March 1987. Currently, the number of active members is around 25 people. There are five specializations in this UKM forum, namely scientific diving (diving activities related to science), underwater photography, underwater work (related to commercial workers), SAR, and championships (athletes). UKSA members all have diving licenses.
For training, especially related to SAR, it was carried out by seniors. “We are trained to find victims in the water, first rescue victims found, and so on.” So the team gets used to helping accidents in the water, ”said Zigro. Meanwhile, Nabil added, if every time you take part in evacuating victims in the waters, UKSA-387 has its own tools. “We have our own diving equipment, when we get a call, we prepare our own equipment.” We also have our own base camp. However, there is no rubber boat. If in the field, there is a SAR team, so we use their ships, “said Nabil who is also the Deputy Chairperson of UKSA-387.
For practice, the team has a continuous schedule. Usually, the team trains in the Kodam IV / Diponegoro swimming pool and also in a number of waters. UKSA membership is open to Undip students from all faculties. Quoted from manunggal.undip.ac.id, the birth of UKM UKSA-387 was due to the great desire and curiosity as well as the strong spirit of adventure under water. The first UKSA-387 alumni were Gatot (Faculty of Law), Antok (FPIK), Rifki (Faculty of Medicine) & several students from the Civil Engineering Department, who agreed to form a diving UKM.
In these early days, almost every month UKSA-387 held expeditions to various islands in Java such as the Karimunjawa Islands, Nusa Kambangan Island, Bawean Island, and the Thousand Islands. Expeditions are also often carried out outside Java, such as in Sanur, Nusa Penida on the island of Bali, and Gili Air, Trawangan, Meno, Sugiri, and East Lombok, on the island of Lombok. (Adm & Tim Humas)