FPIK, SEMARANG – The Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK) Diponegoro University (UNDIP) targets the addition of 4 new professors in 2021, so that in total there will be 25 professors in the faculty who manage these 10 study programs. In addition, the faculty also hopes that there will be 12 teaching staff who can complete their doctoral studies, the number of teachers who have undergraduate education reaches 64 people.

Dean of FPIK UNDIP, Prof. Ir Tri Winarni Agustini MSc PhD, said this when contacted Tuesday (2/3/2021). “We hope there will be four new professors and twelve doctors to strengthen our teaching and learning process and research,” said Tri Winarni Agustini.

According to him, if the target can be met, there is still the task of encouraging his 60 academic staff to immediately complete his doctoral program. In the future, the number of teaching staff with master degrees will decrease. “If everything goes according to plan, of the 145 teaching staff, only 40 percent will graduate from master’s degrees. Every year the portion will get smaller, “he added.

The policy to increase the number of teaching staff who have postgraduate educational qualifications is a shared mandate to make Diponegoro University a World Class University, which is characterized by a superior research university. Moreover, FPIK also already has a doctoral study program, so the demand for teaching staff to have a minimum doctoral qualification is a necessity.

What is proud, said Tri Winarni, is that the professors in the FPIK environment are active academics, not only teaching but conducting research and writing in reputable international and national scientific journals. In addition, the professors as well as the doctors there each have specific expertise and a recognized reputation, both at the national and international levels.

Therefore, apart from teaching within the faculty study programs, there are many FPIK teachers who help teach in other programs, especially the Postgraduate School.

Currently, Undip FPIK manages 10 study programs (Prodi). At the undergraduate or undergraduate level there are six study programs, two master programs and two doctoral programs. In the Undergraduate Program, there are Aquaculture Study Programs, Aquatic Resources Management Study Programs, Oceanography Study Programs, Capture Fisheries Study Programs, Fishery Products Technology Study Programs, and Marine Science Study Programs. In the Master Program there is a Master Program in Marine Science and a Masters in Aquatic Resources Management; while at the doctoral level there is a Doctoral Program in Aquatic Resources Management and a Doctoral Program in Marine Science.

This year, FPIK’s target is to propose ASIIN international accreditation for Marine Science, Oceanography and Aquaculture study programs. FPIK ranks and universities are very supportive and strive to achieve these targets. ASIIN or Akkreditierungsagentur für Studiengänge der Ingenieurwissenschaften, der Informatik, der Naturwissenschaften und der Mathematik is an international accreditation institution originating from Germany for the disciplines of engineering, mathematics and science, agriculture, biology.

In terms of scientific publications, FPIK UNDIP also has reputable scientific journals. There are at least 6 scientific journals that are managed, namely the Marine Science Journal “Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences (IJMS) already indexed by Scopus, International Journal of Marine and Aquatic Resource Conservation and Co-existence (IJMARCC)”; Marina Oceanography Bulletin (Bulloma – Sinta 2); Tropical Marine Journal (Sinta 2), Journal of Fisheries Science (Sinta 2); and Journal of Marine Research (Sinta 3), CRM). These journals are indexed by Google scholar, DOAJ, Garuda Portal and all of them provide open access (open access policy).

The birth of FPIK UNDIP stems from the formation of the Department of Fisheries at the Faculty of Animal Husbandry through the Decree of the Rector of Diponegoro University No. 44/1968 dated 8 October 1968. On 17 August 1978, the name of the Faculty was changed to the Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries, based on the Decree of the Rector of Diponegoro University No. 76 / SK / UD / VI / 1978. However, in 1982 the name changed back to Faculty of Animal Husbandry with the issuance of the Presidential Decree No. 51/1982.

In 1985, UNDIP was trusted to be one of the pioneer universities to open the Department of Marine Science. Based on the Circular of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No. 1023 / D / Q / 1985 dated June 6, 1985, a Marine Science Study Program was initiated at Diponegoro University together with five other Indonesian universities, namely the Bogor Agricultural Institute, Pattimura University, Sam Ratulangi University, Hasanuddin University and Riau University.

After going through various processes, it was only in 1994 that the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK) UNDIP was established in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No.0181 / 0/1994 dated July 25, 1994. Initially there were only two departments, namely Fisheries and Marine Sciences . Now there are 6 departments, with 10 study programs in FPIK. (News source: UNDIP)