Semarang- Pranata Candra Perdana Putra, a student at the Undip FPIKCatch Fishing Department won a Gold Medal at the 2022 Tanoto Student Research Award (TSRA) which was held on November 5, 2022 where ITB was the host. His scientific work entitled “GALAKSI” (Integrated Laksana Ideas) is an Educational Teaching Tool in the Field of Astronomy Science Based on the Internet of Things (IoT). each natural phenomenon. In addition, the galaxy can be controlled using an application to make it easier for teachers to supervise. This tool works with ratio comparisons that are designed in such a way according to the theory.
The Tanoto Foundation in collaboration with five campus partners in Indonesia held the 2022 Tanoto Student Research Award (TSRA) competition in order to develop collaborative innovation work among university students. This competition was attended by 125 student delegates from five Mitra Tanoto Foundation universities, namely Diponegoro University, University of Indonesia, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bogor Agricultural Institute, and Brawijaya University.