The Environmental and Maritime Affairs Sector The Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Diponegoro University has carried out the GITAR (Mangrove Planting Action Movement). Planting activities are carried out in stages over four planting times. The first stage, second stage, third stage and fourth stage planting activities were carried out respectively on September 10, September 17, 2022, September 24, 2022, and October 1, 2022 at Tirang Beach, Semarang district, Central Java Province. This activity was carried out with UNDIP students, especially in the field of service from the UNDIP Psychology BEM and all associations from within FPIK (HIMAOSE, HMIK, HIMADEPTA, HIMAKUA, HIMATEKPI, and HIMASAKA) as well as several communities engaged in the environmental field.

GITAR or Mangrove Planting Action Movement is a work program from the field of LHK BEM FPIK UNDIP 2022. This activity is an implementation of the field of service, especially the environment and maritime affairs which is a response to land subsidence events and rising sea levels, especially in coastal areas north of the coast of Java such as in Semarang and Demak. The average land subsidence in Semarang City is 4.37±4 cm/year. Therefore, BEM FPIK UNDIP took the action of planting mangroves on Tirang Beach, located in Tambakrejo Village, Tugu District, Semarang City, with a total of 6000 mangrove seedlings to overcome problems that arise due to sea level rise. The mangrove seedlings used in this activity are supported by the Pemali Jratun Watershed Management Center and Protected Forest (BPDASHL) Semarang City, with a total of 6000 mangrove seedlings. This activity is also sponsored by Indofood.

The event was opened with remarks by the Chief Executive, Muhammad Lutfanul Fikri, who conveyed directions to the participants to remain enthusiastic in carrying out planting activities and in carrying out the event to reduce the use of food or drinks in single-use plastic packaging, this is because GITAR activities implement less waste. It is hoped that this activity will be able to increase the percentage of growth and survival of the planted mangroves by planting by taking into account the characteristics of the seeds, from the type of mangrove seedlings to the place where they are planted. In addition, this activity has also carried out post-planting monitoring activities that involve the role of students and the community in the sustainability of their supervision.