FPIK, SEMARANG - On October 18 – November 1, 2021, training for Microsoft Excel Basic Level Education Personnel was held for 8 meetings with 2 hours of training duration each. The training was divided into 2 groups, namely group 1 (implementation at 09.00 – 11.00 WIB) and group 2 (implementation at 11.00 – 13.00 WIB) located in the Computer Laboratory Room, Building J, FPIK UNDIP.

Photo: FPIK UNDIP Education Personnel and Instructors from Wahana Computer Training.
This training is held in collaboration with LPK Wahana (Wahana Computer Training) and is held with the concept of In-house Training. Wahana Computer Training is a Semarang computer course institution that was founded in 1992 and has been trusted by various government and private agencies to improve the quality of human resources in the field of mastering computer technology. The training was guided by Aliim Waspodo, ST (Instructor) and Indra Adhi Tofani, S.Pd (Education Coordinator) who are experienced and professional in their fields.
The training activity was closed with an evaluation in the form of giving exam questions on the last day to see how far the participants had studied the material provided. Hopefully with this training, education staff will get additional skills to facilitate their daily tasks. (admin).