FPIK, SEMARANG – The Fisheries Product Technology (THP) Study Program of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK) Diponegoro University (UNDIP) is committed to producing a profile of COMPLETE qualified graduates with Level 6 KKNI (Indonesian National Qualification Framework) and SKPI (Certificate of Companion Certificate) that are trusted.
As a university with a legal entity, UNDIP does not only try to produce students who are independent, capable and strong in science; UNDIP’s identity is also embodied in the COMPLETE graduate profile.
The conception of the COMPLETE profile is the target that Diponegoro Campus wants to achieve to produce graduates who are able to communicate well orally and in writing (Communicator), Professional (work according to principles, development based on achievement and uphold the code of ethics), have a leadership spirit, are proactive and can motivating and collaborating (Leader), possessing entrepreneurial skills, being innovative, independent (Entrepreneur), as well as being a thinker who always thinks critically, continues to learn and research; and able to act as an agent of change (Educator).
Head of the THP FPIK UNDIP Study Program, Prof. Dr. Ir. Eko Nurcahya Dewi, M.Sc, stated that the commitment to produce graduates with a COMPLETE profile applies to all study programs at the Diponegoro Campus. For the THP Study Program, in addition to being recognized as Level 6 KKNI, SKPI is also given to graduates. “SKPI or Diploma Supplement is an official statement letter containing information about the academic achievements or qualifications of a graduate higher education degree issued by the tertiary institution. SKPI is not a certificate, but it can help the holder to get recognition or recognition, “said Eko Nurcahya Dewi, Thursday (6/5/2021).
She emphasized that the SKPI is an additional document, not a substitute for a diploma. As for the information contained in it, in addition to academic achievements, there is also a description of the learning outcomes of graduates at the KKNI level that are relevant and in a standard format that is easily understood by the general public. “Indeed, SKPI is not a document that automatically holds the holder of recognition, but it will help identify the profile of graduates and their qualifications,” She added.

Foto: Practical activities of students of the Fisheries Product Technology Study Program, FPIK UNDIP
THP FPIK UNDIP Study Program, which was established in 2002, since 2012 has received an A accreditation from BAN PT (National Accreditation Board for Higher Education). Determination of the latest accreditation status based on Decree No. 5053/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/XII/2017 which is valid until 27 December 2022.
Seeing the abundance of Indonesia’s marine resources, both animals and plants that come from catches and cultivation, the THP UNDIP Study Program intensively conducts research on fish, shrimp, seaweed, mangroves and other organisms so that they can be used as raw materials for high-value products. able to compete in the global market. “Our research covers fishery products, both food and non-food products. The scope of fishery products is very broad, not only for food products, there are pharmaceutical products, handicrafts and the use of their waste,” She said.
The implementation of teaching and research in the THP Study Program is supported by lecturers consisting of 3 professors, 3 doctors, 3 doctoral candidates and 7 masters. The teaching and learning process is also supported by the availability of a complete laboratory, namely a processing laboratory, a production and packaging laboratory, a quality analysis laboratory and a microbiology laboratory. There is also an integrated UNDIP laboratory in Semarang, and a fishing industry mini plant at the Marine Science Technopark UNDIP Teluk Awur, Jepara.
Currently, the THP FPIK UNDIP Study Program is implementing the Free Merdeka Learning Curriculum Program, such as a Teaching Campus. In this context, every student’s off-campus activity will be converted to courses in the study program. The latest curriculum in use today is the result of an evaluation of the previous curriculum based on input from existing stakeholders. “The curriculum is always updated every 5 years to suit the demands of users or stakeholders,” She said. (Tim Humas UNDIP)