Online Class COMED 2020

Application of Numerical Models in Marine Pollution Studies

by admin | December 18th, 2020

FPIK, SEMARANG – Hi Modeller, Prepare yourself to participate in this one COMED activity. Online Class COMED 2020: “The Application of Numerical Models in Marine Pollution Studies.”

Pre-sale 1 has been opened, hurry up and register because pre-sale 1 is only open from 17th to 21st December 2020 | Maximum quota of 20 registrants.

  1. Especially for undergraduate students: IDR 50K * (Attach IRS / KRS on Google Form)
  2. General: IDR 75K


The COMED Online Class will be implemented on:

28-29 December 2020 | At: 09.00 WIB | Via Zoom Meeting


Come on, click the link below

or scan a QR Code


Hurry up and register yourself, the total quota of participants is only 50 people!


  1. E-Certificate
  2. Tutorial Model
  3. Relationships, Knowledge and Experience


Payment method

Mandiri 1360017282713

OVO / GOPAY / DANA 085729946422

a / n Azizah Anis Ashilah

Attach proof on Google Form



Alyssa (089643518565)

Comed UNDIP |

twitter/IG: @comed_undip

YouTube: COMED Undip

ID line: @nps4121l