Hebat! Mahasiswa Kelautan UNDIP Raih Medali Perak di PON XX Papua 2021

Hebat! Mahasiswa Kelautan UNDIP Raih Medali Perak di PON XX Papua 2021

FPIK, SEMARANG – Rezza Octavia, atlet panahan Papua menyumbangkan medali perak di PON XX yang berlangsung di venue panahan Kampung Harapan, Kabuapten Jayapura. Dikutip dari laman Humas PB PON, Selasa (5/10), Rezza menyumbang medali perak nomor FITA recurve perorangan putri. Diketahui bahwa Rezza Octavia merupakan mahasiswi Program Studi Ilmu Kelautan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Diponegoro (FPIK UNDIP). Dekan FPIK UNDIP, Prof. Tri Winarni Agustini mengaku bangga atas prestasi yang ditorehkan oleh Rezza dengan mempersembahkan medali perak di ajang PON XX Papua.

Selain Rezza Octavia, ada tiga mahasiswa UNDIP lainnya yang juga berhasil meraih prestasi pada ajang PON XX Papua dengan menyabet 4 medali dari cabang olahraga (cabor) panahan dan sepatu roda. Ketiga mahasiswa tersebut adalah Syahara Khoerunisa dari Program Studi Manajemen, Abigail Guinevere Puteri Nimas Ayu dari Program Studi Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja, dan Alifia Meidia Namasta Program Studi Ilmu Gizi.

Mahasiswi UNDIP Program Studi Ilmu Gizi, Alifia, mewakili kontingen PON Provinsi DKI Jakarta dan berhasil meraih 3 medali Emas sekaligus pada cabang olahraga sepatu roda. Sementara itu, untuk medali lain dari cabor sepatu roda juga disumbangkan mahasiswi UNDIP Program Studi Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja yakni Abigail Guinevere Puteri Nimas Ayu. Mewakili kontingen PON Jawa Tengah, Abigail bertanding pada nomor Marathon 42.000 meter putri. Pertandingan tersebut berlangsung 3 putaran sebelum akhirnya memastikan pemenang. Abigail menorehkan waktu tercepat ke-3 dengan 1 jam 19 menit 13,03 detik dan berhak atas medali Perunggu pada PON XX Papua. Adapun di posisi pertama dan kedua diraih atlet kontingen PON DKI Jakarta dengan torehan waktu 1 jam 19 menit 13,01 detik dan 1 jam 19 menit 13,02 detik.

Peraih medali cabor panahan ada Rezza Octavia dari Program Studi Ilmu Kelautan UNDIP. Ia mewakili kontingen PON Papua dan bertanding di nomor Recurve Individual Putri. Turun pada cabor yang mengandalkan akurasi ini, Rezza menjadi atlet muda Papua pertama yang berhasil masuk dalam pelatnas panahan dan mendapatkan medali perak. Selain itu, ia juga menjadi bagian dari atlet Olimpiade Tokyo beberapa waktu yang lalu. Torehan perak selanjutnya juga diraih oleh mahasiswa UNDIP Program Studi Manajemen yakni Syahara Khoerunisa. Ia berhasil menyabet 1 medali Perak saat bertanding di nomor Compound Perseorangan Putri mewakili kontingen PON Banten.

Selamat kepada para mahasiswa UNDIP yang berhasil meraih kejuaraan pada Pekan Olahraga Nasional (PON) XX Papua Cabang Olahraga Panahan dan Sepatu Roda. Congratulations on achieving such a significant milestone. (Adm)


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We are Opening Marlin Squad Accelerating Program 2021

We are Opening Marlin Squad Accelerating Program 2021

FPIK, SEMARANG – Program Kompetisi Kampus Merdeka, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Diponegoro (FPIK UNDIP). The program aims to provide an excellent research training and knowledge to help student pursuing higher degree or career in the field of academia and research.

Who are eligible to apply? Undergraduate students of Marine Science Department FPIK UNDIP who have completed at least 4 semesters by September 2021.


Research Grant

Five research teams (each with 2-3 student members) will be selected to receive a maximum of IDR 20,000,000 grant for each team. Each team will be supervised by an UNDIP lecturer and a supervisor from partner university abroad.

Research Training

Research training in a form of online seminar with UNDIP supervisor and partner university supervisor will be conducted for a total of two months. Students selected for this program will have a chance to practice their research skill and directly discuss and interact with international partners to achieve an excellent standard in pursuing higher degree.

Webinars (Studying Abroad, Scholarship Application & Personal Statement)

Online seminars will be provided exclusively for selected students. Including trainings on how to prepare the plan to study abroad, how to fill out scholarship application, and how to write a proper personal statement.

Important Dates

Proposal deadline

September 25th 2021

Team Selection & Partner Supervisor

September 25th – Sept 30th 2021

Team Announcement

September 30th 2021

Kick-off Meeting*

October 1st 2021

Progress Report Seminars*

October 15th and October 29th 2021

Final Presentation*

November 12th 2021


October – November 2021


*Schedule can be adjusted accordingly within a week of the mentioned dates.

How to Apply

Research proposal should be written in English in NO more than 3000 words (please use the template: bit.ly/MSAP2021). Any research theme related to marine science are welcome, and those highlighting the importance of marine biodiversity, marine biotechnology and marine conservation are prioritized. Please note that your proposed research should be completed within a timeframe of 2 months (October to mid-November 2021).


Background should briefly explain the state of the art related to this research, the importance of the proposed research, and clearly mention the aim of the research, written in no more than 1000 words. Figures or diagrams that can better explain the background may be included.


Method should clearly explain how and where the data/sample will be taken or the experiments will be conducted, including brief explanation on what materials and equipment that will be used. Method should be written in 500-1000 words.

Expected result & research outcome

Expected result could be a hypothesis of your research or a description of what the team wish to achieve by conducting the research. It should be written in 500-1000 words. Please also write the planned outcome of the research, for example: manuscript draft; international publication in Scopus indexed journal; module for technology transfer; etc. Due to the very limited timeframe of this program, please consider to write an actual and realistic outcome rather than exaggerated ones.


References should be cited in the background, method, and (optionally) expected result, as the following example. The references should be written in the reference list in an alphabetical order.


…. Author 1 last name (year) mentioned that ….. (if there is only one author)

…. Author 1 and Author 2 last name (year) mentioned that …. (if there are 2 authors)

…. Author 1 last name et al. (year) mentioned that …. (if there are more than 2 authors)

…. this finding supports by previous report that the corals belong to the same species (Author 1 et al., year).

Research Budget

The proposed research budget (Rancangan Anggaran Belanja (RAB)) should all be written in Bahasa Indonesia (see the format table in the Proposal Template: bit.ly/MSAP2021).

Supervisors (UNDIP and Partner University)

Project supervisor should be a lecturer from Marine Science Department, and each lecturer can only supervise one team. Research team that has already included supervisor from partner university (abroad, preferably from QS-100 Universities) are prioritized. If the selected team has no supervisor from partner university, the MSAP committee will assist to find supervisors with expertise closest to the proposed field of research. Supervisors will have to attend the Kick-off meeting, Progress report seminars, and Final presentation.

Selection Criteria

The teams will be selected based on the administrative criteria i.e. 1) The proposal is well written according to the template, 2) Appealing research topic with clearly described aim and outcome, and 3) Comprehensive and complete method. However, additional selection process in a form of online interview might also be conducted when necessary.


Please download and fill out the proposal template and submit your proposal in PDF format to the following email webinar.ilmukelautan@gmail.com with the subject “Proposal MSAP_Team Leader Name”.

Today is the Closing of ITroSCo 2021

Today is the Closing of ITroSCo 2021

FPIK, SEMARANG – Today (1/9) is the Closing of ITroSCo 2021. The event was opened by Siti Khodijah and Dr. Mada as the Master of Ceremony of the day. After the brief opening, the next session was Sharing & Caring, where it was conducted by Mr. Seto Windarto. He chose a few people from the participants, asking about their experiences after spending two weeks straight in this event. Various testimonials were delivered from the participants, almost all of them made the committee and even the Buddies’ hearts flutter, this session was called sharing caring. 

The committee chooses the Top 9 performers of IGT and gives the right to all participants, including even the buddies, to participate in choosing who is entitled to win. The committee provided a google form link that was sent to the WhatsApp group containing all participants and let them choose their preferences. The next agenda is presenting the Top 9 IGT Videos with everyone’s enthusiastic reaction on the chat box and announcing the winner. The winner was Honisha Ramooah from Mauritius and Joruna Group. The committee also presented the Top 10 Participants who got the chances to come to Indonesia next year, hopefully the pandemic will end at that time. Adding to the current euphoria, the best Buddies voting results were also announced.

Moving forward to the very end of the closing day, speeches from Mr. Eko as the Head Committee of ITroSCO 2021, Mr. Agus Trianto as the Vice Dean, and Prof. Tri as the Dean were delivered. ITroSCo 2021 was officially closed with all participants, guests, committee, and buddies singing the official song of the event. We hope to see you again next year! (Committee of ITroSCo 2021)

UNDIP Beri Beasiswa Bagi Mahasiswa Anak Nelayan

UNDIP Beri Beasiswa Bagi Mahasiswa Anak Nelayan

FPIK, SEMARANG – (26/08/2021). Universitas Diponegoro (UNDIP) memberikan beasiswa bagi sejumlah mahasiswa baru di tahun 2021, termasuk yang berasal dari keluarga nelayan dan masyarakat pesisir. “UNDIP tahun ini menerima dan memberi beasiswa bagi lebih dari 20 persen mahasiswa dari keluarga kurang mampu namun memiliki prestasi akademik”, ungkap Rektor UNDIP Prof. Yos Johan Utama, SH.,M.Hum. Hal ini untuk memberikan kesempatan kepada para lulusan sekolah menengah atas yang berprestasi namun memiliki keterbatasan keuangan dan berasal dari berbagai kalangan masyarakat, termasuk keluarga nelayan dan penduduk pesisir. “Masyarakat memiliki kesempatan yang sama untuk mengenyam pendidikan di UNDIP, terutama mereka yang memiliki keunggulan atau prestasi di bidang akademik”, tambah Rektor UNDIP.

Sementara itu, Dekan Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan (FPIK) UNDIP Prof. Ir. Tri Winarni Agustini, M.Sc., Ph.D menjelaskan beasiswa bagi keluarga nelayan dan masyarakat pesisir sesuai dengan Pola Ilmiah Pokok (PIP) pengembangan wilayah pesisir, dengan memberikan beasiswa dalam bentuk subsidi atau pembebasan pembayaran Sumbangan Pengembangan Institusi (SPI) dan Uang Kuliah Tunggal (UKT) selama 8 semester.

“Mahasiswa yang mendapat beasiswa ini adalah lulusan SMA dengan nilai rata-rata lebih dari 8.0, berasal dari keluarga nelayan/masyarakat pesisir dan berasal dari keluarga kurang mampu yang dibuktikan dengan surat keterangan tidak mampu dan kartu keluarga sejahtera”, tambah Dekan FPIK UNDIP yang kerap disapa Prof. Tri.

Syarat lain yang diperlukan untuk mendapatkan beasiswa yaitu, berkelakuan baik dan bebas narkoba, sanggup menyelesaikan kuliah tepat waktu (maksimal 8 semester), rekomendasi pemerintah daerah, ataupun rekomendasi dari Ikatan Keluarga Alumni (IKA) FPIK.

FPIK UNDIP telah menerima 18 pendaftar beasiswa dan sebanyak 6 (enam) mahasiswa telah ditetapkan sebagai penerima beasiswa. “Diharapkan beasiswa yang diberikan membantu meringankan beban orang tua dan memacu mahasiswa untuk lulus tepat waktu, terutama dimasa pandemi covid saat ini yang telah berdampak terhadap kesulitan ekonomi bagi berbagai kalangan masyarakat”, pungkas Prof Tri Winarni Agustini. (Sumber: undip.ac.id | Tim Humas UNDIP)

Opening ITroSCo 2021

Opening ITroSCo 2021

FPIK, SEMARANG – Today (18/8), the first day of the opening ITroSCo (International Tropical Summer Course) 2021, was held via zoom platform due to Covid-19 Pandemic. The event started at 4 pm West Indonesia Time, exhibiting AIS (Archipelagic and Island States) video, then continued with the introduction of ITroSCo and the background biography video of Diponegoro University.

After the videos ended, ITroSCo 2021 was proudly opened by Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Dean, Prof. Ir. Tri Winarni Agustini, M.Sc., Ph.D., and our Vice Dean, Dr. Agus Trianto, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. As the show goes on, having the date located one day after Indonesia’s Independence Day, all of the Buddies, consisting of 20 undergraduate students from the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, appeared with red and white flags on their respective cheeks. As Indonesian, we were showing that they are still proud to live and ready to continue the legacy from their ancestors, especially for the fisheries and marine districts. With that fact, the opening continues with all of the attendees singing the national anthem Indonesia Raya.

The following agenda is an opening speech from Mr. Eko Susanto, S.PI., M.Sc., Ph.D., as the Head Committee of ITroSCo 2021. It was followed by the official inauguration by Prof. Ir. Tri Winarni Agustini, M.Sc., Ph.D. as the Dean of the faculty, officially opened the annual summer course for this year. The event continues to get introduced by its Vice Head Committee, Mr. Seto Windarto, S.Pi., M.Sc., MP. to introduce the faculty’s academic staff, guests, and the participants. Light talk and easy topic conversation happened at this time within the great atmosphere surrounding the event.

Photo: The Dean of Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science.

Mr. Eko Susanto explained the history of ITroSCo, knowing that this event has been held since 2019. He also introduced various notable speakers for the lectures that will give the participants countless valuable knowledge from Indonesia and other countries. Teaching methods and rules for all participants were also explained by him, knowing that they were going to spend two weeks straight in this course. Hoping all of the people that are involved in this event can cooperate. From this part, the theme for this year’s ITroSCo event is ‘Traditional Fisheries Technology in Indonesia for Sustainable Eco-Development’ with 66 students from 14 countries.

For the next part, Dr. Mada Triandala Sibero, S.PI., M.Si shared slides per slide, showing several groups that consisted of several participants, with each team having 6-7 people. The Buddies that will accompany all participants also got introduced to their respective partners and groups. Dr. Mada also introduced two big projects from this year’s ITroSCo event, aside from various valuable lectures, ITroSCo’s Got Talent (IGT) and Cultural Exchange. We hope all participants will contribute to these projects and show all the things that may be hidden for too long. The winner from these projects will be allowed to join next year’s ITroSCo event, and if it is held offline, the committee will give the fund.

Photo: The Participants of ITroSCo 2021.

The event was closed by a brief light talk between Amanda, the Master of Ceremony, with one of the participants. Also, an ice-breaking session, playing a game called Mentimeter, that that day’s Person led in Charge, Rayen. The event ended with a huge smile and sighs of relief, knowing that its crucial opening went smoothly, encouraged by all the excitement that radiated from people involved in this event. Another national song from Indonesia, 17 Agustus (August 17th), was played while the committees and buddies bid their goodbyes to all participants. We can not wait to see them again tomorrow for their first lecture. (Committee of ITroSCo 2021)