FPIK, SEMARANG – Today (18/8), the first day of the opening ITroSCo (International Tropical Summer Course) 2021, was held via zoom platform due to Covid-19 Pandemic. The event started at 4 pm West Indonesia Time, exhibiting AIS (Archipelagic and Island States) video, then continued with the introduction of ITroSCo and the background biography video of Diponegoro University.

After the videos ended, ITroSCo 2021 was proudly opened by Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Dean, Prof. Ir. Tri Winarni Agustini, M.Sc., Ph.D., and our Vice Dean, Dr. Agus Trianto, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. As the show goes on, having the date located one day after Indonesia’s Independence Day, all of the Buddies, consisting of 20 undergraduate students from the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, appeared with red and white flags on their respective cheeks. As Indonesian, we were showing that they are still proud to live and ready to continue the legacy from their ancestors, especially for the fisheries and marine districts. With that fact, the opening continues with all of the attendees singing the national anthem Indonesia Raya.

The following agenda is an opening speech from Mr. Eko Susanto, S.PI., M.Sc., Ph.D., as the Head Committee of ITroSCo 2021. It was followed by the official inauguration by Prof. Ir. Tri Winarni Agustini, M.Sc., Ph.D. as the Dean of the faculty, officially opened the annual summer course for this year. The event continues to get introduced by its Vice Head Committee, Mr. Seto Windarto, S.Pi., M.Sc., MP. to introduce the faculty’s academic staff, guests, and the participants. Light talk and easy topic conversation happened at this time within the great atmosphere surrounding the event.

Photo: The Dean of Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science.

Mr. Eko Susanto explained the history of ITroSCo, knowing that this event has been held since 2019. He also introduced various notable speakers for the lectures that will give the participants countless valuable knowledge from Indonesia and other countries. Teaching methods and rules for all participants were also explained by him, knowing that they were going to spend two weeks straight in this course. Hoping all of the people that are involved in this event can cooperate. From this part, the theme for this year’s ITroSCo event is ‘Traditional Fisheries Technology in Indonesia for Sustainable Eco-Development’ with 66 students from 14 countries.

For the next part, Dr. Mada Triandala Sibero, S.PI., M.Si shared slides per slide, showing several groups that consisted of several participants, with each team having 6-7 people. The Buddies that will accompany all participants also got introduced to their respective partners and groups. Dr. Mada also introduced two big projects from this year’s ITroSCo event, aside from various valuable lectures, ITroSCo’s Got Talent (IGT) and Cultural Exchange. We hope all participants will contribute to these projects and show all the things that may be hidden for too long. The winner from these projects will be allowed to join next year’s ITroSCo event, and if it is held offline, the committee will give the fund.

Photo: The Participants of ITroSCo 2021.

The event was closed by a brief light talk between Amanda, the Master of Ceremony, with one of the participants. Also, an ice-breaking session, playing a game called Mentimeter, that that day’s Person led in Charge, Rayen. The event ended with a huge smile and sighs of relief, knowing that its crucial opening went smoothly, encouraged by all the excitement that radiated from people involved in this event. Another national song from Indonesia, 17 Agustus (August 17th), was played while the committees and buddies bid their goodbyes to all participants. We can not wait to see them again tomorrow for their first lecture. (Committee of ITroSCo 2021)